Chapter 9: Bellow Zero

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Gelum Mountains


Walking along the top of a frozen mountain as the snow fell down and the wind blew wildly, Y/N was walking along, trying to make his way through the snow and the frozen air. He had stopped only for a minute to take a break and to see where he was going. He then quickly began to move, for the wind may crush his body if he were to stay still for too long. His reasoning for being here, some villager had informed him of an old tomb that held a great power in it. Unfortunately, that villager didn't tell Y/N the tomb's exact location only that it was somewhere on the Gelum mountains.


"When I get off this frozen rock, I'm going to kill that guy for giving me shit information" I thought to myself

Right now my everything was freezing, I my gear had frozen solid and if not for my shadow scarf they'd shatter into a million pieces. I was looking for that old tomb that villager had told me about and so far, I was no where near finding it. A blizzard was coming and I was going to need to find shelter from it sooner then later. I had no idea why I was up here in the first place, yeah I wanted that power that was said to be in the tomb but I also didn't want to freeze to death. The first Wave of Calamity was coming and I only had a few days to get more skills and level up.

Since these mountains were somewhat close to the Melromarc, I thought that I'd get up here find what I was looking for and get back down. Unfortunately things were not looking that way, I may have made a big mistake on my part. As I continued to walk, I accidentally hit my foot on something hard that was buried in the snow.

"Oh my God, that hurt as much as stepping on a lego barefoot" I said to myself

I then found the spot where I had kicked then thing and moved the snow off of it. What I found was a rock with a symbol carved into it, thanks to the skill Gnosis gave me, I was able to read what it said.


"Key? A key to what? This is just a rock" I said

I then stepped down on it and the rock sunk into the ground, just then I heard a loud noise and felt the ground shake. I was worried that it was an avalanche coming but when the side of the mountain I was facing slid down revealing an entrance I calmed down. Apparently that rock was the “key” to opening that secret entrance. I was about to enter the cave, I noticed something that was carved around the entrance of the cave.

"The Resting Place Of Sir Gaheris One Of The Twelve Knights Of The First Kingdom"

"That is interesting, for some reason I don't know who that is or what that first kingdom is" I said to myself

Apparently, Gnosis didn't know everything and neither did I, either way, it didn't matter. I was still going in and finding the treasure this sir Gaheris  was buried with.

Frozen Cave

Walking through the cave, the walls were completely made out of ice. At first you couldn't see anything inside of the ice but the further you went in. The more you could see, I found what looked like a fish of some sort frozen in the wall. Over next to the fish in another wall was what looked like a large dinosaur of some sort. My guess was that the thing I was looking at must of been from some sort of prehistoric time here in this world.

Along one wall I found what appeared to be what looked like an evolutionary chain of some type of creature

"Where have I seen this before?" I asked myself as I looked at each creature in the line

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