'the water'

16 0 0

*(lower case on purpose)


Read carefully T/W warnings!!

Watch out for your T/W's when reading this one!!

Remember that you are loved no matter how you feel <3

Have a nice read <3



I paced around my room wishing, praying this wasn't real.

I could feel the soul of my body fall to my feet

I could feel my gut roll over itself as I utter the words to myself

"I..I failed"

...This test was supposed to be easy..

I was supposed to be on the road already... driving

freedom was right on my fingertips...

 but of course, I couldn't reach it...

I wanted to fall into my knees, fail to the center of the earth to burn

... it's about to be better than what I'm to face...


I could feel something behind me

I looked behind me, 

my supposed caretaker,

 stood up tall, 

looking at me with disdain.

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