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Read carefully T/W warnings!!

Watch out for your T/W's when reading this one!!

Remember to drink water today <3

Have a great day


I sit here in my bed wondering

why do I do the things I do?

Why do I still need to please you...?

I'll know why I sat here and stare

I'll never know why I still think that you care...


 I sit here wondering why I give my love to the people

- to a person that ... can't love me right


Who only remembers the falls and not the fights...

...Who can't understand my wrongs from my rights?...

...I'm getting tired of trying for you... 

But I'll never say it... I'll love myself ag-


But I won't will I? I won't I know I won't

 you see if I only understand your hate and questions everyone's love ... 


How can I escape?

- The dreamer

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