The line

9 1 0

'*' The continuation of The Days '*'


Day: ???

I woke in another cold sweat, from some other dream.

I woke with a desire to be free

I looked around the room.. not expecting change..

It wasn't just the same old darkness that I was used to for the last week


This was different

I could see now

Green's, red's, and blue's

I rushed out of my bed to see these wonderful colors,

I look up and down, all around my room, everything was different.

the floor, the wall , the cycling...all different

I looked across the place where my door used to be..

..I wasn't so scared anymore..

Anything that once was just darkness before

.. now... 

it had a purple hue all over it.


I walked around for what seemed like hours 

just .. looking .. at the marvelous sight.

I walked around my room in awe...


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