The diary of Anne 🔞

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Dear diary,

Is it ok that I feel like the whore of the story.. 

If I feel like I need everyone that says they care near me..

 is it bad that I want everyone's happy for a few minutes..

United of being the one that takes everyone's fun away 

or the one that seems to be falling.. 

...failing at fifteen...

I want to be loved, adored.. 

Something anything more than this nothing..


The people that say they love don't, 

the ones that should cant 

..and the ones that want to wouldn't.. 

I just feel so alone..

 In a room, hotel, house, world... 

Full of amazing people...

 Like you..

That cant, wouldn't, and shouldn't care about me... 

But do... 

Because your hopeful, stupid, and just need to be poltie to the useless...

I feel useless and tired...

I wish I didn't feel like nothing..

 I wish that I was ok..-ish at least... 

I wish I didn't have to rely on people to survive..

But I do because im stupid too..

I understand that everyone is to good for me

 I'm to "taxable" to remember. 

It doesn't matter, it has never mattered.. 

Because these people that pretend to love me

 and pretend to care are people that I can just.. away from... 

They wouldn't even care about how much I hurt myself and died.. 

...It has never mattered..





..I still love you tho...






..I still love you..


- your Annie

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