*your ghost*

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Heya everyone it's been a while!

I hope the world is treating you well!!

*if you here it's probably not...*

*Sorry in advance*

Heya this one is short, so get a cup of water before you read the words will be here so don't stress about it

I love you all - I know weird- but what can I say

*you wouldn't be here unless
you 'love' this too*

Have fun reading !!



The way your arms feel around me,

they drowned me

they felt like a thousand weights on my soul.

Why did you keep them there? Did you want me to die too

I'm  the ghost that floats around your hall, I'm the spirit you feel in your arms

I'm the one playing your piano at night or whenever you are out.

There is nothing more annoying than me..


What am I here for?

I'll set it a plan to escape

You keep me here then

why do you hate me so?

Do you see my pain?

Do you see me??

I'll shove books and throw knives..

But when I blow dust

You lose your mind at just the thought and begin to yell at the wind..

You know I'm here,

So why not let me go?

It's your fault that I'm like this can't you do something to change it?

But you never will..

Maybe it's the power you love..

Do you mistake that for loving me?

Do you really think that's what love looks like?

All this time and we still learned nothing

No escape

No peace

No happiness

No love


I wonder if we'll be like this forever

Until eternality

Another Hell all over again with you

Just you


By anger, greed, and self-loathing

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