The Crevice

13 1 0


Be careful


But not too careful  (TWs)



+ The continuation of The Line +

My breath begins to hitch as I crawl through the crevice..

its.. so dark in here..

the dark concrete walls rub against my back as I roam through 

..the rough terrain..



..I've been at this for what seems like weeks and weeks..

Even though time seems to make no difference within this world..

..the dark seems to reach out for mile and mile with no end..

I hear noises within these walls..

noises of crawling and sludge all over..

as if they were all following me through this seemingly endless dark.. 

I wonder if they were looking for a way out of ounce they came too..

because I could tell them

this isn't it


But I guess they're in the same boat as I am..

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