|Translations at the end|
At least.
Unfortunately, Damian had to go through a crowd to get to the first-class check-in and with his already sour mood, it was a serious pain. At least he managed to get into the premium lounge unscathed. However, that didn't cure his immense sadness, as he had to leave Marinette, the angel in his life, behind. He just wanted to yell, 'Taeali 'iilaya 'aw khudhayni!' into the sky. But he couldn't. Not until all of this was over. Damian felt relief that Hawkmoth couldn't be active; otherwise he would've definitely become an Akuma. That was another thing he hated about the butterfly villain. The civilians are forced into keeping their emotions at bay, and the heroes got the worst of it. Damian shuddered to think if he was akumatized while using his miraculous, if Marinette were the one to be corrupted then they stood no chance. Hell, if it weren't for the bluenette he definitely would have been akumatized by now.
His thoughts drifted back to the girl he had the honour of courting. Had Hawkmoth not risen to power, Damian doubted they would've had met. 'I suppose that is the only positive to his tyranny'. He did consider sending her a message now, but it was already late at night, she should be sleeping by now. Sighing, he took a sip from the mocktail he had ordered. True, the drinking age in France was lower than the one in America, but he wasn't a French citizen. All Damian could do was either scroll through his phone or stare into the abyss. It appeared that the decision was made for him.
Grayson: Hey, Baby Bird! How are u?
Of course, Richard would contact him. Now that Damian thought about it, he hadn't messaged his brothers or his father after the Guerrier event, and frankly, they hadn't either. Perhaps he felt a little guilty, but if he did, he showed no signs whatsoever.
Me: Waiting for the plane to begin boarding.
Grayson: So ur enjoying yourself?
Me: As much as one can, I suppose
Grayson: So basically
Grayson: You're not enjoying yourself
Me: That's just your own assumption.
Grayson: ... Anyway, Kor'i and Mar'i arrived at the manor last week. Mar'i is dying to see her Uncle Dami
Me: I look forward to seeing her too
A staff member approached Damian as he looked up from his phone. "Sir, your flight will begin boarding in five minutes."
He nodded thanks and quickly sent a message to his oldest brother. As he gathered the remainder of his belongings, Damian couldn't help himself.
Me: My flight's boarding now. I'll send a message when I land, Habibti
Surprisingly, Marinette replied instantly.
Angel: Have a safe trip, mon démon. Missing you already <3
Me: I'm missing you too
Damian allowed a dolorous expression to appear on his face. Tucking his phone away, Damian made his way out of the lounge and to his gate. He was one of the first to board the plane thanks to his first-class ticket. Getting comfortable in his seat, Damian rested his chin on his hand, staring out of the airplane window. A quick glance was all it took to read the menu that was available for first-class passengers. Surprisingly one of the dishes included Camembert. Damian knew that if Plagg was here with him, he'd be begging and annoying him to try the meal. He sighed as he looked on the inside of his hoodie sleeve. Hidden in plain sight was MDC's signature, stitched in the same coloured thread that was used for the fabric wrapped around his wrist. His thumb ran along the detailed stitching.

My One And Only - A Daminette Story
RomantizmDamian Wayne convinced his father to let him go to Paris to learn more about these 'mysterious attacks'. Little did he know he would find a pretty little girl with bluebell eyes. Meanwhile, Adrien Agreste contemplates whether Marinette is 'just a fr...