06 || Stolen Hearts

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Hunter let out another yelp as Mrs Beaver stitched up his wounds by the campfire. The company was huddled together surrounding the fire, silent as mice and as still as the stone villagers. They managed to find enough fresh wood, courtesy of Mr Beaver who gladly offered to scourge through the small homes in search of it. Crystalline helped light the fire and boiled herbal teas for the group. As Mrs Beaver aided Hunter, he was explaining what had happened in the village.

"They were helping Tumnus," He sighed. "But the Witch got here before Crystalline and I did- Ow! Oh!" He whimpered as Mrs Beaver did another stitch.

Luckily his wounds weren't deep enough to be considered a critical injury. However, the supplies were few so Crystalline would have to fly him back to camp and leave the children vulnerable. Anything could happen to the humans and she wouldn't be there to prevent it. Another stitch went into his fur, and Crystalline caught the fox's hazel eyes glisten with the campfire light. She winced slightly, feeling the pain as if it were her own and looking away. Lucy on the other hand, stared intently at the procedure. Her doe eyes were focused on the bloodied needle and the thin string that disappeared under the tuft of orange fur. She was able to see the fox's ever wince and the obvious pain that it tried to keep under control. "Are you all right?" She asked, the worry that built up finally reaching her lips.

Hunter flashed her a coy grin. "Well, I wish I could say their bark was worse than their bite. Ow!"

He yelped once again, his back arching away from the needle. Mrs Beaver, who had been attempting to sew him up as quickly as possible, smacked him gently on the head. "Stop squirming!" She snapped at the fox. "You're worse than Beaver on bath day."

Mr Beaver's fur ruffled up, his discomfort obvious at the mention of Bath Day. "Worst day of the year."

The children smirked at his little comment as his wife rolled her eyes at him. Mr Beaver then barreled into an elaborate series of tales, desperate to add light to their gloomy atmosphere. It was not common for the Narnian creatures to feel such darkness, for they were formed with the light of Aslan's song. The company hushed down enough to hear of the beaver's tales about great heros of the past. There was a hero who marched straight into a cave filled with ogres to save the children that were to be eaten. There was another who walked across the Calormen Desert in search of Aslan's sword.

The Pevensies were submerged in these tales, leaving Crystalline to watch from the outside in curiosity. She couldn't understand how different they turned out to be. She expected tall and strong beings with swords to the ready, not terrified children who would much rather go home than wield any sort of weapon. There must have been a mistake, she told herself. Perhaps because they were the first group of humans to fall into Narnia, that the Deep Magic confused them. Crystalline then looked down at the glowing crystals, who glistened up at her annoyingly. No, the Deep Magic makes no mistakes. These were the Kings and Queens... but how can she show that to them?

A few more tales later, and Mrs Beaver reached her last stitch. She cut the string with her teeth, and closed it with a pleased grin. "There, all done."

Just as the said beaver was going to coat the cuts with a cloth drenched in a herbal remedy, Hunter stood up. "Thank you for your kindness, but that's all the curing I have time for."

Lucy averted her attention from Mr Beaver to the injured fox. "You're leaving?" Lucy asks, unsure if Hunter was even healthy enough to walk, let alone stand. The fox offered her a reassuring smile, seeing the skepticism clearly written on her face.

"It has been a pleasure, My Queen, and an honor," He said joyously before turned to Crystalline with a knowing stare. His golden eyes flashed with a hidden farewell, understanding that he would not see the Angel for a long time. He was supposed to set out to find recruits as quickly as possible once the Kings and Queens were found, and he did so. Now, his next task awaits, along with the risk of falling onto fate's chessboard. Anything could happen. Crystalline gave a curt nod in acknowledgment, feeling bittersweet.

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