Chapter 5.

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(A/N:) HOLY TRINITY OF YOUTUBE!!! This story has 934 reads!!!! WHAT!??!!? OH MY GOD! I am so happy! thank you guys sooo so so much!! <3 <3 <3 <3


I giggle to myself grabbing my phone out, yes! I still have cell reception! I silently cheer before texting Mamrie that I am at the cabin and I am okay.

“Hey Gracie? I am kind of hungry, is there anything I can have to eat?” I ask Grace, she looks at me smiling from the kitchen, “Yeah there’s food, but uh.. It’s all vegetarian, because I am one.” She fiddles with her fingers blushing slightly. “Hey dude, it’s all good, as long as you have bananas!” I chuckle standing up, walking over to Grace. She giggles, biting her lip to try to hold it back.

I sit down on the opposite side to her over the counter. Grabbing a snack bar from the smallish bowl, “Hey Grace, seriously, thank you. This means so much to me like you have no idea. I honestly thought you were like the others.” I frown at the thought, how could I ever think that this sweet human was like that? Like… Them? “You are not like the other popular girls. You’re… Different? No! Ugh that’s terrible! You’re not—“ Grace cuts my rambling off with;  “Hannah, I am different.” I tilt my head sidewards, frowning at her, “I’m confused?” Grace sighs, “Hannah, I’m bisexual.”

Grace’s words hit me in the face like a brick, or a frying pan. “You’re what?” I question, “What the hell is going on? Is this a freaking joke? I am so confused? Does this mean she likes me?” all these thoughts start swirling around my head. “Yeah, Hannah, please listen to me and hear me out.” I nod for her to continue, she sighs, “Yes, it’s true Hannah, I am bisexual and have been for about a year. Well I’ve known for about a year. I don’t know what the hell was going on but… I am.” She finishes, and I just take a second to take all this information in, “Hannah, it still scares me, but y-you helped me figure this out..” she chuckles nervously looking in my eyes, switching between them.

“How did I help you Grace? I have only met you in the past few weeks?” by this point, I am so confused by what is happening. “I fell for you, that’s how you helped me, Hannah, I fell for you hard. And I still am.” She blushes looking into my eyes again, I look into hers, “I-I need a moment..” I stutter before getting up and running to the bathroom, I lock the door and fall back against the door, breathing heavily. I start crying, but I’m not crying from sadness, I am so happy.

“Wait, if that was my reaction to Grace, what must she be feeling right now!?” I jump up and fix myself in the mirror before leaving the bathroom. “Grace?” I whisper, “Are you okay?” I feel bad but I honestly didn’t know how to respond. “Yeah Hannah, I am okay.” I walk into the cabin’s lounge where she is, “Grace?” I am cautious; honestly, I have no idea how to deal with emotions from other people, I’m not the social one.

“Hannah… I am sorr—“ I cut her off with a kiss. “What the hell am I doing!?”  I try to pull back but Grace pulls me back, I melt into her; her arms are around my neck. My whole body tingles; her lips are so soft I am in a heaven. She pulls back shyly smiling.

“Wow…” We both say at the same time; I looked up at her biting my lip, “you’re a good kisser Grace.” I say winking at her; she giggles, “Why thank you, you’re not so bad yourself. Actually you’re very good. Woah.”  

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