Chapter 11

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This chapter ended up being over 1000, when I only wanted to write like 500. Oops?

But I promise it's a nice chapter.
Also adding a hartbig hug because why not??


"I'm coming Hannah." I whisper, my heart beating so fast that it feels like a bunch of elephants are in my chest.


As I pull into a car park, my first and only thought is Hannah and her rose. Her fourteenth rose. I put my car in park and turn off the engine breathing out deeply closing my eyes. I shake my hands stepping out of the car cracking my neck walking to the entrance of the hospital suddenly remembering Mamrie has a surprise for me. Well, that made my mouth instantly dry up. I clear my throat while I take small steps over to the florist. I purchase the single rose yet again and the florist looks at me with an empathetic look. She doesn't' know what it's like, so I just give her a half smile back before turning to walk towards the elevator.

I walk to Hannah's room like I'm walking to my own house! It feels like it now. I see Mamrie looking at her phone outside of Hannah's room; the usual. I smile to her as I get closer; she looks up and sees me before squealing. I step back in surprise looking at her with confused look on my face.

"Mamrie, what's going on?" I ask slightly worried. My brain instantly saying that she's has gone delusional because Hannah is gone. But that can't be true, can it?

She doesn't say anything; she only grabs my arm pulling me into Hannah's room, but before I can even register what's going on, she covers my eyes and pushes me against the door.

"What the hell is going on Mamrie!?" I yell angrily trying to get out of her grip, but she just pushes harder.

"Shut up or you'll wake her!" she retorts in a whisper yell. It takes me a second but finally my brain catches up to what just came out of her mouth. My stomach flips as she slowly releases me. All that I can think is that she's awake; Hannah Hart, the love of my goddamned life is fucking awake!

As Mamrie full let's me go I stumble and fall to the ground with a thud, it doesn't matter me. I look directly at Hannah and crawl over to her placing the fourteenth flower with the other, grabbing her hand with tears in my eyes. She's sleeping, but she isn't in a coma anymore! My head collapses into her hand and I just cry. This is so... So overwhelming!

After what feels like 2 hours of crying, I feel her hand move and I look up wiping the tears from my eyes. I look directly at Hannah's face; I see her eye lids flutter I smile sitting up, my heart feeling so full. Two whole fucking weeks without seeing those beautiful blue eyes killed me! But finally, finally! She opens her eyes and yawns.

"Hannah...!" I gasp my hand reaching out to touch her cheek softly.

Hannah's POV

Feeling the wetness on my hand in my sleep makes me wake up, but of course, the morphine dripping through my veins makes me wake up seemingly slow. I realize that there is a hand on my wet hand, it's probably a nurse. I yawn. But I stop my yawn short.

"Hannah...!" I hear a very familiar voice followed by a long but soft hand touching my face.

"Grace?" my voice shakes. I don't want to see her. I jerk my face and hand away from her, turning my head to the other side, looking at Mamrie, my vision finally focuses.

"Mamrie, why the hell is she here!?" I whisper yell at Mamrie knowing that Grace heard it. I don't even care.

I hear Grace stand up, some footsteps and a door open and close. Good, she's gone. Mamrie looks at me disappointed.

"Hello to you too! Haven't talked to you in two weeks and this is how you great me?" Mamrie says throwing herself on me in a hug. I wrap my arms around her confused.

"Two weeks? It's been like a day." Mamrie gets off me and nods to my phone, I pick it up, and yep, the date is two weeks after I last saw it; February 4th . Something else catches my eyes, roses, white roses. A whole bunch of them. I look at Mamrie with a questioning look pointing to the flowers. She scoffs,

"Those flowers there were brought to you from Miss Grace Helbig herself." She says matter-of-factly.

"Why are some of them dead? Why would she even bring me flowers or see me at all? She doesn't have any interest in me!" I scowl getting frustrated at the situation. Mamrie pulls out her phone and makes me listen to a voice recording.

"I'm here to see Hannah. I love her. I-I just freaked out when she told me. I need to see her. I need to tell her."

I look confused, tears welling in my eyes.

"What's happening?" I ask, my voice falling slightly.

"She loves you, and those roses? She has been bringing you one every single fucking day to prove to you that you mean something. You didn't see her did you?" Mamrie questions and I shake my head, "She is a fucking mess, barely showers, eats, been skipping school, only to come see if you had woken up yet! That girl is in love with you and you her! And she finally gets to see her and you basically kick her out!"

My heart drops, I need to see her, I start panicking, Mamrie grabs my shoulders, pushing me back into the bed grabbing her phone out, texting someone.

"Can you just calm down for two minutes or you may go back under!?" she says to me sternly. I listen t her, sinking back into the bed looking at nothing but the roses. I can't believe she did this, this is so... So sweet! I feel tears form in my eyes but I wipe them before anything falls.

My gaze is broken from the flowers when there's a knock at the door.

Mamrie gets up, "I'm going to get some food, I will be back soon." I nod as she walks to the door and a shitty looking Grace walks through the door. My heart breaks at the sight of her, she doesn't look like Grave anymore. She looks pale, small and hurt. She closes the door behind her, just standing there, not daring to look at me.

"Grace..." My voice cracks, she looks up and I can't even stand the sight, cracked lips that were once soft as silk, the insane purple bas that lay under her once so alive but now dull teary brown eyes.

"I'm sorry..." I whisper looking down, extending my arm, giving her the permission that she accepts and walks over, taking my hand. I drag her onto the bed with me, wrapping my arms around her tightly, instantly crying out.

"I love you, Grace..." I whisper into her shoulder, holding onto her tight.

"I love you too, Hannah, she whispers back, stroking my hair, holding me just as tight. I just cry.

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