Chapter 6.

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*Later that day...*

Grace and I cuddled on the couch for most of the day, mainly because it was cold, and we forgot to get the wood from the woodshed that the door of is now frozen over. Oops I guess? I don't care, I get to hold her. Grace doesn't seem to mind either; she looks happy, blissful, even. I've never seen her like this, she always looks stressed out or angry or... Sweaty, from all the running... She does... "Goddamn it Hannah shut up! Stop it with this fucking mind of yours!" I break out my thoughts when I feel her start to shiver, so I wrap my arms around her a little tighter. "Are you sure you don't want me to chisel the door to get the wood?" I whisper in her ear, Grace just shakes her head, snuggling closer to me. In a weird sort of way, I never want this to end, I mean a fire would be pretty nice and make things more comfortable. But it's perfect, I know I'm in love with her. "Are you feeling hungry or anything, Gracie?" I ask her, but I get no reply, I open my eyes and look down to see her sleeping. "Goddamn that is the cutest smile..." I lift her off of me and go put another pair of sweats and a snow jacket on and walk outside. The crisp, cold air hits me in the face and I instantly start shivering. I walk over to the woodshed and pull on the handle, no budge. I look around and find a piece of metal; I pick it up and start hitting it against the sealed frame of the door with a rock. The ice starts breaking. After about 5 minutes, the ice has broken enough to open the door.

I load my arms up with as much wood as I can fit, which is about 5 logs, take it inside, and repeat... 3 more times. I put three logs in the main fireplace and start it up. I go to the room which Grace is letting me stay in, I would much rather stay in a bed with her, for warming purposes... Of course... I grab the blankets from the cupboard and as many pillows and cushions I could carry. I set them all down comfortably in front of the fire. I walk over to the still sleeping Grace, and pick her up bridal style, she doesn't stir. I set her down on the makeshift bed, she hums and a small smile creeps onto her face. I go into the kitchen, the cabin slowly starting to warm up, and look in the fridge. There's so much vegetables there! I pull out a pumpkin, a leak and some garlic and set on working on a heart-warming soup for later.

Once I finish up making it, I let it simmer down so it thickens and move onto making hot chocolates for us both. When I finishing making them, I carry them out into the lounge and sit down on the makeshift bedding next to Grace. "Hey Grace, I've made you something." I coo to her, she stirs and her eyes open, "Hey Han, what's up?" her voice is raspy, it makes me just want to take her then and there, but I know I shouldn't, so I control myself. "Nothing's up, I just made you a hot chocolate." I smile handing it to her, she props herself up and smiles at me, "thanks babe—I mean Hannah!" Grace fumbles over her words, I cut her off, "it's okay babe, I was bored without you. I made soup as well." Grace nods, going back to drinking her warm delight.


(A/N: Y'all have been asking me so I have given it to you. I'm sorry for being so shitty for not posting. But I have a severe injury and have been caring for myself for a bit.)

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