Chapter 1

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Hi, my name is Hannah Maud Hart, but I go by Hannah or Harto. I'm in junior year in high school. I am 16 so I have been figuring out who the hell I am and it turns out that I am a major homo! That's right! I am a lesbian. Some people hate me for it (that's probably because I go to a catholic school.) but I have my sister, Mamrie Hart and best friend, Tyler Oakley, who happens to be gay too! Mamrie and Tyler are seniors and will be leaving after fall, which will suck because I will start getting bashed up and beaten again. I don't want them to leave me; they are the most respected people in the whole school! Well, with Mamrie being captain and Tyler being vice captain of the cheer squad, it isn't hard for them to get what they want.

Mamrie is a bitch, a total bitch, to everyone but Tyler and I. Mamrie is way too over protective of me. But I am so grateful and I love her. We don't even look like sisters! I'm super short, have blue eyes and blonde hair. Whilst Mamrie is sort of tall, has green eyes and is a full blown red head. It honestly is the weirdest sister combination that is around!


"Hey Farto! Do you want me to take you to school, or are you going to catch the bus?" Mamrie asks skipping past me messing up my hair before grabbing an apple sitting at the counter looking at me waiting for my answer. I state that I was going to take the bus, fixing my hair, Mamrie just shrugs getting up messing my hair again running off, "really Mamrie! You are not five anymore!" I yell with sudden annoyance at my big sister, "and don't call me 'Farto' because you smell like a fart all the time and you also are a Hart!" I smirk, Mames just peeks her head around the corner, glaring at me, "Whatever, see you at school.... Farto!" she laughs at me before giving me the finger and walks out the door.

I sigh, grabbing two bananas; one for now and one for a snack at school, obviously. I run up to my room, fixing my hair properly before sighing, "maybe she will notice me on today." I make sure my shitty school uniform looks decent. I am meant to be wearing a knee length, gray pleated skirt with a long-sleeve, white button up, an ugly green blazer and a yellow (what the school considered a "feminine bowtie") with knee length white socks and black T-bar leather shoes. Thank god my parents pulled some strings and I can wear the boys uniform, which is simply a green tie, white, short-sleeved button up, the same ugly green blazer, black, leather loafers and gray knee length shorts; this is much better than the girls crappy uniform.

The sound of the schools bus horn breaks me out of my inner monologue; I grab my bag and run out the house, not before grabbing my new iPhone 5 (which I saved up from two Christmas' and a birthday to get) and my headphones. Once I got on the bus, I go to my usual seat in the middle and put my headphones in, listening to some Frank Sinatra, which makes my nerves of seeing her subside. The "her" I am talking about is none other than Grace Helbig. 16 year old Grace Helbig, known in the school as the "nerdy jock", star of track, high jump, long jump and pole-vaulting, along with straight A's. I must say, she is brilliant at what she does! I may have watched her while running laps in gym glass, well, not so much as running, more like "slowly-dying-and-flapping-my-limbs-around-the-track".

We stop at her station, and she gets on, somehow making the shitty uniform look amazing. She catches me staring and I look down, blushing "fuck" I mumble. I keep my head down until I feel the seat next to me go down, I slowly turn my head to see Grace smiling at me, my head snaps up, ripping my headphones out. "I-I am sorry, is this seat taken." Grace mumbles fiddling with the straps of her track bag, I shake my head, "NO!.. uh I mean no, sorry, I'm not good with talking... Or words, or people." I start that sentence really high pitched. "Great start... Farto.." I think to myself. Grace giggles at my previous statement before reaching a hand out to me, "My name is Grace. Grace Helbig, it's nice to meet you." She smiles, "My name's Hart. No that's my last name. I am Hannah." I fumble to put a sentence together, taking her hand giving it a firm shake. "She has short fingernails... God shut up Hannah! You are so gross!"

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