Chapter 7

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Oh please don't kill me!! I'm a shitty ass human, for both not updating and how cruel this chapter is!!


Once both Grace and I finish our hot chocolates, we both just sit there in silence enjoying each other's company. My phone rings and breaks our peaceful silence; I answer it and its Mamrie,

"Look kiddo, the parents are absolutely pissed. They found out you left and that you left with a girl."

I freeze.

"W-what does that mean for me?" I breathe out.

All I hear is a sigh; Grace grabs my hand giving it a squeeze, instantly relaxing my shoulders down, allowing me to focus my thoughts.

"Look, Hannah, we both know they don't except you for who you are, but I have a serious question. Do you love her?"

I ponder the thought for a minute, do I love her? I mean I like spending time with her and she makes me so happy to be around, I think I do love her. She isn't even my girlfriend? I stand up and walk into my room that I'm staying in.

"I don't know Mames... We haven't spoken about being together, we just... Are, in a sense." Mamrie sighs at me.

"I can't do things for you anymore, not like this. You need to make a decision and grow the balls tell her your feelings and ask her out!" I sit on the bed.

"Why are you yelling at me? I have shown affection to her, we've made out a couple times! Alright, I'll tell her right now."

I hang up and walk out to Grace; she's standing up now looking at me with fear on her face. I breathe in all the courage I can muster and walk up to her, not giving her a chance to speak, kissing her still walking backwards until she is standing against a wall. The kiss doesn't last long and we break apart, my hands still on Grace's hips, she's breathing heavily, looking shocked and excited.

I swallow, "Grace I love you and want to be with you. Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" I speak really fast so it's hard to hear me, but she hears.

"Hannah... I don't know... This is sudden..." She pushes me off her; I stumble back, feeling every ounce in my body drop,

"I think you should leave... It would be best, I need to think about some stuff." She whispers faintly, looking everywhere and anywhere but directly at me. I swallow hard, feeling hot tears starting to fall. I mumble a goodbye rushing to grab my bag and things, running out the door into the freezing old, my tears keeping me warm. I look back at the cabin once more before running.

I run, tears continuously falling down my face, just running away. After about 20 minutes of running, I look around, nothing but a road surrounded by trees, shit, I'm lost! After a mild panic attack, I call Mamrie telling her I have no idea where I am, she tells me to put my GPS location on and not to leave the spot I was currently at. So, I do as I was instructed, sitting under a frozen tree. After about half an hour I start to feel a chill come through, I start shivering, and I am like that for 10 more minutes before I hear the blaring of a familiar car horn, I turn to see Mamrie pulling up and getting out her car running over to me with a blanket, wrapping me up in it, picking me up carrying me back into the car.

"Thanks..." I mumble to her, enjoying the warmth of the cars heater.

"Didn't go well then, kiddo?" Mamrie asks empathetically.

I glare at her, "you know I was happy for a day... She made me happy, but because of you, I have lost that!" I raise my voice as Mamrie drives back in silence because she's feeling guilty. She knows that this is her fault that Grace kicked me out.

"Hannah, I'm so sorry. You know I didn't mean it to happen like this." Mamrie says as we pull up home, I sigh, looking at her with tears in my eyes. All that I can feel in my stomach is the fact that if I go inside, I'm going to get myself beaten up, and I just have lost the girl of my dreams from me being so sudden.

I open the car door and get out, Mamrie does the same and comes up to me and hugs me.

"Look kiddo, this probably won't go well but I'll be here for you, I promise." Mamrie whispers letting go of me slowly walking to door, I just nod and follow her.


(A/N:) The next chapter I will be writing will be the scene where Hannah sees her parents again, I'm not that cruel to leave a cliffhanger like that. But the next chapter after that, would you guys like Grace's point of view? Let me know in the comments below.

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