Chapter 3

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(A/N:) Hey guys, thank you so much for reading! This is probably the most I'm going to write today. I will try upload when I can. Please be patient with me. <3 Thank you so much guys. :) xx


I look out my window and see small specks off snow falling down from the dark grey clouds above. I sigh, drying the rest of the blonde mop on my head flicking it around so it sits well on my head. I walk to my wardrobe and lay out the clothes I am going to wear to this.. Whatever this thing is going to be. I go with simple, skinny jeans, toms, a white v-neck and a leather jacket with a black beanie.

I walk down stairs with Mamrie standing by the door keys in hand, “You ready for this dude?” she inquires, resting her hand on her hip. I nod, putting my phone in my pocket. We get in the car and start leaving our house. “You shaped up well for someone that looked like they were hit by a train two hours ago.” Mamrie smirks, playfully punching me, I nudge her back; “You look like you’ve been hit by a train 24/7 Mames.” I say loudly, kissing her on the cheek she glares at me smiling, trying not to laugh. We pull up and I hug Mamrie, she whispers in my ear “If anything happens, call me.” I nod and get out of the car, trying to get inside fast as it is so cold outside! I brush off the small amount of snow from my jacket, going up to order just a tea; I don’t want milk or anything, because my nerves will churn it. And throwing up on Grace will be a bad move. I look around and I see her sitting in the far corner, she smiles. I grab my tea and walk down to see her, sitting across from her, “Hey.” I say awkwardly, her doing the same.

            We both sit there in silence until I find the silence deafening. “What’s going on Grace? What is your deal with me?” I ask looking in her eyes, they’re brown; I have never noticed how beautiful they were. She swallows, “Honestly, I don’t know Hannah. I just wanted a new friend. I guess.” She smiles and takes a sip of her hot chocolate. I sip my tea and nod. “The truth is, Hannah, I have noticed you staring at me during track and stuff. At first it was kind of weird, because I didn’t know you, but it made me perform better and I don’t know why. You seem like a great person.” I just nod. I have no words, if I talk; I may just accidently say that I have had this massive crush on her since middle school. Grace clears her throat, “Look Hannah, when I can trust you a bit more, I will tell you something that I haven’t told anyone before, okay? You just have to let me in.” her eyes burn deep in mine, and it just says something deeper than us all. “Grace, when you trust me enough to tell me, I will tell you something only Mamrie knows.” I whisper, looking at my tea, fiddling with the lid. She nods, understanding the sincerity of my statement.


We both finish our drinks and start to get a bit more comfortable; Grace laughing at my awful, but amazing puns whilst I’m laughing at the funny stories Grace tells me. Like she fell down a staircase because she wanted to pat a dog! Once we both calm down a bit, I suggest that we go for a walk to the park. The snow has lightened off, but there is a light blanket of snow covering almost everything. It is quite cold now, but it’s worth being out here with Grace. We spot an empty swing set and sit down, I hear Grace sigh, and I give her a questioning look, she whispers, almost sounds painful for her to speak, “I don’t want to go home to my dad.” She looks at me with painful eyes, I give her a sad smile, “Story of my life, but to both my parents.” I murmur chuckling a bit at the end. “Really? They’re that bad to you?” she asks softly, I nod and we both fall back into a comfortable silence.

            After about ten minutes, Grace speaks up, “If it ever gets too hard to handle at home, I have a cabin to myself not too far from here. We can spend a couple days there.” She smiles looking at me, I am in love with her smile, and I haven’t stopped having butterflies this whole time. I smile back, “Same to you, if you don’t want to be home, call me, and I can get Mamrie to pick you up, usually our parents are out of town on business but when they are home, they don’t care who Mamrie has over.” I look at my phone and see it’s getting a bit late so I get up and walk over to Grace, hugging her as she stands up too. She is about a head taller than me, but hugging her feels right. “Thank you.” I whisper into her neck before walking her back to her car. We say our good byes, and as she drives off, I feel one hundred times better. I call Mamrie telling her it went well and she comes and picks me up and takes us both back home.


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