Under the moonlight

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Lilac's POV:

One week.

It had already been a week since I've met Darius.

He wasn't lying when he said he would come by my house often, because he did that every day in the past week.

We both had no one else to spend our time with during this break, so we just kept each other company.

I also visited his house after he had finished unpacking.

We would watch movies, cook food and chat for hours on end.

I had already gotten used to his presence.

I feel so lucky that Darius is my neighbour.

It makes it so easy for us to hang out.

I put on a light purple cardigan and a high-waisted white skirt.

After that, I curled my long raven black hair into soft curls and applied a red-tinted lip balm to my lips.

When I was satisfied with my appearance, I grabbed my phone and wallet.

I opened my door and walked out, meeting a pair of blue eyes.


His eyes slightly widened in surprise.

We both stood outside my doorstep, simply staring into each other's eyes.

We had decided to go to the park tonight to have a picnic and enjoy the scenery.

It was our first time going somewhere else instead of each other's houses.

I wanted to dress up a little since I was bored of wearing oversized t-shirts and sweatpants at home all day.

Darius was wearing a black t-shirt and a pair of black jeans.

No matter how many times I saw him, I always couldn't help but admire his appearance.

Pretty blue eyes, a sharp nose and jawline.

I didn't dare to look at his lips, because I didn't want him to notice how attracted I was to him.

It had only been a week, but I've already caught feelings for him.

My heart rate quickened whenever I was with Darius.

I couldn't deny my own emotions.

It doesn't matter that I like him anyway, because it's not like he feels the same.

He's way out of my league.

Nothing about me is attractive.

I stopped staring at Darius and lowered my head to look at the floor, my hands fidgeting with each other.

Since young, I had a habit of fidgeting whenever I felt insecure.

"Lilac, you're really pretty."

My eyes widened and I immediately stopped fidgeting.

Did I hear that correctly?

I looked back up at Darius and saw him smiling at me.

I felt my cheeks heat up and I quickly jabbed his side, earning a yelp from him.

"Ah! What was that for?" Darius asked while rubbing his side.

"Stop...stop teasing me. Anyways, let's go and have our picnic!" I laughed it off.

I didn't want Darius to see the blush on my cheeks.

He must've been joking.

It's not like I'm actually pretty.

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