Loved me

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Lilac's POV:

I dragged my luggage and closed the door behind me, walking to the taxi with a smile on my face.

"Let me help," Darius offered.

I nodded my head and watched as he put both our luggage in the trunk of the car and closed it.

"Let's go," I said.

We entered the car and sat back as the driver brought us to the airport.

A few days ago, Darius had surprised me with a trip to a resort.

It was to celebrate my birthday.

"Thanks for bringing me to a resort. I still can't believe you spent so much money on me..." I pouted.

I had thanked Darius multiple times on our way to the airport.

I wasn't used to having someone other than my family shower me with so much generosity.

"For the last's okay. You deserve this trip. I think this will be really fun too." Darius chuckled.

Okay, I should stop feeling bad so he won't regret planning this trip.

"Yeah, I'm so excited! I haven't been to the beach in a long time." I replied.

"Me too, let's go there later."

After we reached the airport, we boarded the plane and sat down.

I was sitting by the window, while Darius was next to me.

As the plane took off, I gawked at the view outside the window.

The buildings below kept shrinking until they were no longer visible.

Then, all I could see were fluffy white clouds and the bright blue sky.

"Woah, we're in the sky now..."

"You're so easily amazed that you seem like a child." Darius joked.

"No, I'm not..." I blushed slightly, trying to glare at him.

He only laughed even more at my poor attempt of a glare.

After some time of us talking about what to do at the resort later, I yawned, feeling sleepy.

We took an early morning plane, so I didn't have enough sleep.

"You should take a nap. There are about 2 more hours until we land." Darius said.

I nodded and leaned against him, resting my head on his shoulder.

I felt Darius put a jacket over me and I smiled, relishing the warmth and comfort.

Not long later, I fell asleep.


"Hey, Lilac. Wake up."

I woke up and felt Darius nudge me gently.

I leant away from him and rubbed my eyes.

"Are we here?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's time to go."

My eyes lit up with excitement and I stood up, taking my things and leaving the plane with Darius.

After we got back our luggage, we took a taxi to our resort.

When we had arrived, we went inside our hotel room and looked around.

I was amazed at the beauty of this place.

The room was decorated simply and the furniture was a mix of white, beige and black.

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