Bonus Chapter - A Late Night Study Session

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Darius' POV:

A few weeks before Christmas...

"Thank you."

I thanked as Lilac placed a cup of iced coffee on the table in front of me.

"You're welcome," Lilac replied, taking a seat opposite me.

We were in her room studying together for an upcoming exam.

A few days ago, she had asked me for help with her Biology paper.

I agreed to help her since I was decent at Biology and I wanted to spend more time with her.

It was already night time and it was raining lightly outside.

I turned my head to look at the windows which were covered in raindrops, while the street lamps outside gave off a warm light.

It was relaxing, to say the least.

"Hey, Darius. Can you help me with this question?" Lilac asked.

I shifted my focus from the windows to her and looked at the paper she was holding.

After I analysed the question, I explained to her how she could go about doing the question.

When she looked down at the paper to watch the keywords I was highlighting, I noticed how long her eyelashes were.


"Do you know what to do now?" I asked.

She looked away for a moment and tapped her pen against her chin a few times, seemingly thinking hard about something.

Why do I find that so cute?

I noticed that her lips were pouted as well, an action that made my heart flutter.

I wish I could kiss her...

After a few seconds, she faced me again, her eyes bright as she said, "Oh! I get it now! Thank you!"

I chuckled at how happy she was about understanding a question.

"That's good. Just ask me if you have anything else you're unsure of." I added.

She smiled, nodding her head.

After teaching her a bunch more questions, a lot of time had passed.

It was already late into the night.

After some time, I heard Lilac yawn which made me look up from my textbook.

She was stretching her limbs and her puffy eyes were evidence of how tired she was.

"Should we stop here for today? It's pretty late, you should get some sleep." I suggested.

I watched as Lilac shook her head while rubbing her eyes.

"No...I don't want to stop yet. It's nice and helpful for you to be here and I don't want to waste this opportunity..."

As she trailed off, my heart started beating faster.

Even though her words were a little slurred due to fatigue, what she said had surprised me.

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