The Boy Born With Everything

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Shoto brings Izuku and Hayato to the Student and Faculty Entrance, but his reason is unknown to both the boys.

Izuku: "If we don't hurry, the cafeteria will probably be really crowded..."

Hayato places his hand on his brother's shoulder to calm him down and looks coolly at Shoto, who looks at the brothers with a cold look.

Hayato places his hand on his brother's shoulder to calm him down and looks coolly at Shoto, who looks at the brothers with a cold look

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Hayato: *to Izuku* "Izuchan I'm pretty sure, Todoroki-san has to say something serious to us." *looks at Shoto* "Isn't it Todoroki-san?"
Shoto: "I was overpowered. So much so that I broke my pledge."
Izuku: *looks at Shoto's left hand* "He didn't use it even if it would be to his advantage... His left side..."
Shoto: *looks at left hand* "Iida, Kaminari, Yaoyorozu, Tokoyami, Uraraka... None of them felt it. At that last instant, I was the only one who was overpowered. Only me, who had experienced All Might's full power up close."

Hayato instantly gets on guard, as does Izuku who's nervous and Hayato speaks on his brother's behalf.

Hayato: "What are you implying, Todoroki-san?"
Shoto: "It means I felt something similar coming from you. Izuku, Hayato, are you... All Might's secret love child or something?"
Hayato/Izuku: *wide-eyed* "Secret... love child...?!"
Izuku: *relieved* "I-I see... So that's what he was thinking!"
Shoto: "Well? Are you?"
Hayato: *embarrassed* "IT'S NOTHING LIKE THAT!!!"
Izuku: *embarrassed & nervous* "I mean, even if we were, we would say we weren't-"
Hayato: *smacks Izuku on top of the head* "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!! Stop insulting kaa-san's character, Baka!!!"
Izuku: *rubs head* "Sorry!" *to Shoto* "But, let me ask you something... Why did you think that about us...?"
Shoto: "Since Hayato, 'It's nothing like that,' that means there's a connection between you three that you can't about, right? Endeavor's my old man. I'm sure you know that he's been stuck as the number two hero forever. If you have something from the number one hero, then I... have even more reason to beat you."


Meanwhile, the two top Pro-Heroes meet on a set of stairs.

All Might: "Hey! Long time no see! Let's have tea, Endeavor!"
Endeavor: *glares* "All Might..."
All Might: "I haven't seen you since that talk we had with the press ten years ago, huh? I saw you, so I thought I'd say hi."
Endeavor: "I see. Well, you've already done that. Leave me." *walks down* "Tea? What a joke. I'm going to the restroom. Begone!"

All Might flip midair and lands in front of Endeavor, stopping the latter in his tracks.

All Might flip midair and lands in front of Endeavor, stopping the latter in his tracks

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The Tale of the Two Brothers Book 2(A Boku No Hero Academia Male OC Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now