I'll make sure he has a good dream for once (part 2)

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again, small tw for derealization/ depersonalization ,,,, weird dream stuff
au on Instagram made by user umei_2510

1406 words

Ranboo's schedule has been the same for quite a while now,  
wake up and do ,,, morning things

Go to a meeting if there is one recently  there hasn't been many

hang out with whoever is around maybe go gather supplies with them

Head over to Tommy's once he sees Dream in L'manburg.

Replace Tommy's nightmare with a regular dream.

Ranboo's been getting busy in the evenings recently so they can't be with Tommy as he falls asleep so he just sneaks over there to make sure Tommy isn't having a nightmare or replace one. 

Ranboo never thought there could be consequences for using his powers on one person almost nightly,,, until now.

Ranboo managed to clear a few hours in his evening to go spend with Tommy, They sure do hope he's ok. Last time he saw Tommy he wasn't doing too hot, and it had only been 2 weeks into his exile. Its been 5 now, over a month...

Ranboo needed to get used to the nether hike again, and how thin the air got when he reached Tommy's portal, When they stepped through the portal though, it was freezing. It must be colder by the ocean in winter.

"Hey Tommy" The Tall Enderman says with a hint of nervousness in their voice.

He hears a very slight rustle coming from Tommy's Tent, and his head pops out.
Tommy's gained a few bruises and lost a few pounds. That fact really irks Ranboo, he thinks he knows all the reasons behind Tommy's bad condition but he never really thought of dream to be that kind of person...

"Ranboo?" Tommy sounds like he's been screaming for his life, his voice simply does not sound good.

"Yeah, really sorry about the fact I haven't visited in a long time, i just got so busy and,, well dream has been keeping Tubbo busy in L'Manburg so that's been keeping me busy,,, well I'm super sorry about that."

"Are you real?" 



"is- are you a hallucination? or am I dreaming again?" 

"No, I'm real Tommy" Ranboo went over to touch Tommy's hand, and as they went over, and could see Tommy better that's when he notices the completely blank stare coming from the blonde.

"Tommy- ,,, are you,, doing ok?"

" I-  i think I've lost the ability to tell the difference between reality and my dreams"

This may be Ranboo's fault

"Well, you are awake right now,, and uh- what about Hallucinations?"

"I've been seeing Tubbo here... and Wilbur sometimes, not Ghostbur- like.. my brother" 

Tommy started scratching bandages on his arms, Ranboo could only imagine why he has to bandage his arms...

"I'm sorry,, I've- "
Ranboo paused
he should tell the truth but Tommy looks as if a single word could shatter him.

"I've been trying to tell Tubbo to visit you, but I've been busy and so had he... Dream's been keeping us on our toes dawn til' dusk"

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