Chapter Ten: Silence

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The dean closed the university during mid-terms for a few days because of the unfortunate incident. Normal University expelled Cadie Smith and the four football players, Leo Johnson, Gary Williams, Justin Jones, and Freddie Miller. In addition, they arrested the four players for second-degree assault, sexual misconduct, and other various charges. Admin had sent a campus-wide email out stating that anyone who spoke of the incident or conducted themselves similarly in the future would be harshly punished or immediately expelled with no explanation. Everyone feared the Xavier family, so the students posted nothing regarding the incident online.   

Mia completed her assignments and projects with her brief break from classes, and with Gavin away at work, she was alone inside her new home. She had hoped she could spend more time with him, but unfortunately, Gavin told her that his work was at its busiest now. As a result, she was lonely and still terrified of her memories from the locker room.  

She spent most of her day in her room, reading or gazing out the window. Strangely, she felt at peace in her new home, but the anxiety still ate away at her. She touched the locket at the base of her throat. She wanted to meet her birth father, but she did not know how to meet such an important man. 

Her phone vibrated on her bed. Lashonda sent her a text asking to meet at the hospital to visit Dustin, who had yet to be released because of internal bleeding. Since it was still early in the morning, she could see her friends and be home before Gavin returned. Mia quickly dressed and grabbed her purse. She departed her room and walked downstairs, but Smythe stepped out from the living room and intercepted her before reaching the front door.  

"Madam, may I ask where you are headed in such a rush?" 

Mia took a step away from him and cleared her throat. "I am visiting a friend of mine at the hospital." 

"Excellent, Madam. Mr. Xavier said you may go wherever you like, but our staff must accompany you." 

"I understand." 

"Also, he asked that I give you this black card for any spending you may wish to do while out." 

Smythe handed the black card to Mia. Mia did not want to argue with the butler over how she would not need to spend any money. She always felt embarrassed over being poor and resisted anyone who tried to help her because Mia brought nothing into their marriage. He had already spent so much money on her. 

"Madam, do not worry over the money. Mr. Xavier is a wealthy man. So, do not feel that you are a burden to him. He told me to say this if I noticed any hesitation from you regarding the black card." 

Mia's face flushed a bright red. She averted her eyes from the butler's piercing gaze when she responded in a low voice, "I will try to remember that for the future. Thank you for the advice, Smythe." 

"Of course, Madam. Enjoy visiting your friend in the hospital. I will assign two guards to follow you, as well as a car and a driver, to take you anywhere you like. Mr. Xavier asks that you be back before five as he has an event planned for both of you this evening." 

"Really? Do you know what it is?" 

"I am afraid I do not. Mr. Xavier will let you know more about the engagement at five this evening." 

Mia departed the condo and met her two bodyguards in the hallway. The first one was a very tall, broad man with black hair, which was cut noticeably short. He had dark brown eyes that seemed black and wore a dark suit. The second man appeared shorter than his partner and had long dark brown hair pulled back into a man bun. He had hazel eyes, which crinkled pleasantly when he smiled. He dressed in the same style as the first man.  

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