Chapter Three: Half-Blood

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Wednesday Evening

Gavin stood gazing out his office window and watched the sunset in Normal City. The fading light reflected off steel and glass. He held a glass of whiskey in his right hand as he thought of his interaction with Mia Weller. He wondered why she had appeared so upset at his departure. Though he knew nothing about her, he felt honor-bound in making her happy. Gavin wondered if he felt that way because she had saved his life.

Knocking at his office door pulled him from his thoughts. He announced for the person to enter. When the door opened and then closed, Gavin turned away from the window and set the whiskey glass onto his mahogany desk. His assistant, Chase Taylor, stood in the center of the room and waited for Gavin to speak.

His assistant was a normal-looking man with long, light brown hair and brown eyes. He wore simple clothing. Today, he was attired in a black suit, white button-down shirt, and a black tie. Taylor was a quiet man, even though his dark past rivaled Gavin's equally hideous background.

"You summoned for me, sir?"

"Yes, Taylor," Gavin said as he sat down at his desk. "I have three things I would like for you to accomplish. The first two are important, and I need them handled by today or tomorrow morning at the earliest. You may complete the third as soon as you are able."

"I understand."

"First, I must know what happened on my way to the quarterly meeting. I want to know who hit me, why they killed Charlotte, and why they were after my life."

"It shall be done, sir."

"Good. For the second thing, I want to know everything about Mia Weller."

"Of course, sir."

"The last thing I need to be done is for someone to monitor my stepmother. I do not trust her recent movement in buying more of the company's stocks. Since my father lives in England, I am both the CEO and the Xavier family's head. My stepmother will attempt to overthrow me to gain my position for her son. So, I need to know if the one out for my life is my stepmother."

"And if it is, sir?"

"Then I'll simply have her killed."

"I agree, sir. I will have all three completed for you as soon as possible. If you will excuse me," Taylor said without emotion.


"Yes, sir?"

"Contact the society. Have them send more of those pills. I am nearly out. I don't care how much money they ask for this time. Buy as much as they are willing to sell."

"I will do my best to do so, sir."

He exited the room and closed the door.

Since he had lost a dangerous amount of blood from the car accident, he lost his strength and powers. Usually, he could see in the dark, but his weakened state was the equivalent of an average human. If she had not found and helped him, he feared his enemies or the sunlight would have. Direct sunlight would not kill or harm him, but sunlight could injure him if he lost his powers and too much blood. Since his mother was a vampire and his father was a descendant of one, he was half-vampire, half-human. He had all the powers of a vampire, yet he could live like a human. His father, Taylor, and the Vampire Society only knew his secret.

He did not crave blood like a vampire, but he must drink blood to become stronger. Rather than seeking strength, Gavin feared his vampire lineage and rejected his powers, and because he did this, he suffered from excruciating pain. So, he only used his powers when he was in danger because Gavin feared he might lose his self-control and allow the vampire-half inside of him to take over. However, during a weakened state, Gavin will crave blood. After collapsing on the sidewalk in the park, Gavin fought against the desire to drink from the closest human. When Mia found him, he dreaded he might attack her, but at her insistence, he allowed her to lead him back to her dorm.

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