Chapter Four: White Lies are Better than Lying

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Thursday Evening

Gavin knocked on the door of the Weller's residence. An older woman with brown hair and green eyes opened the door partway. She stared at him for a moment before she opened the door completely. Gavin wore a mask covering his nose and mouth while dressed in dark clothing and a pair of fake black glasses. Gavin could hear a male voice in the background.

"I wish to speak with Robert Weller. I am here on business," Gavin announced.

"Are you...? We made the deal already. I think you should leave."

"I am not with the Rossi family, Mrs. Weller. I am here on my accord. You should let me in if you wish to be free of your current situation."

Kayleigh stepped away from the door without saying a word and allowed him to enter the house. She closed the door and motioned for him to follow her. Gavin glanced at Mia's photographs and her family on the walls before continuing to trail after Kayleigh. She led him to Robert's office in the back of the house. She knocked on the door and waited for an acknowledgment before entering.

"Who is he?" Robert asked, standing up from his desk.

"My name is Revon. I am here to make you a proposition that you do not want to pass. Could we speak in private?"

"I want to stay," Kayleigh stated and sat down on a chair near Robert's desk.

Robert sent her a glare before looking at Gavin. "Do you mind if she is present?"

"I only ask for you to listen and not interrupt me," Gavin expressed with an emotionless voice, as he took a seat in a chair in front of Robert's desk. He set the folder he had been carrying on his lap.

"She will remain silent."

Gavin nodded and then declared, "I wish to marry your daughter."

Robert sputtered, "W-what -!"

Gavin interrupted him with a sharp tone. "I will make this clear now. I do not appreciate being interrupted. If you wish to hear my offer, I ask for complete silence. After I finish speaking, you may ask your questions. Do I make myself clear?"

Robert and Kayleigh bobbed their heads in quick agreement.

"I wish to marry your daughter. I know that your family owes money to the Rossi family. I also know that you sold your daughter to the Black Market," Gavin stated with a harsh scowl pointed at Robert. "If you will allow me to marry your daughter, I will offer you a million dollars in payment."

Robert waited to see if Gavin said anything else. When Gavin remained silent, he clapped his hands together and exclaimed, "Absolutely! When do you want to set the date?"

"I'm sorry," Kayleigh began as she stood from her chair. "Why are you doing this?"

"Be quiet, Kayleigh. You have no say in this. We need the money."

"I know. I am happy for my daughter. But I want to know why you will save us?"

"Frankly, it is none of your business. All you need to know is that I will deposit the money in your bank account in the morning. I will also return this Sunday to marry your daughter." Gavin opened the folder on his lap and handed a piece of paper to Robert.

"This is?"

"I ask you to fill this out and sign the bottom. I will have my lawyer take care of the rest. She will deliver the completed document to your email. I will obtain the marriage license, the officiant, and the witnesses needed to marry your daughter. The wedding will take place here in this office."

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