Chapter Thirteen: I Crave You

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"What did you just say?" Gavin hissed. He grabbed her hand and pulled it away from his face. "Explain yourself, now."

The hotel staff had vacated the conference room to give them privacy. The silence was unbearable, but Mia needed time to explain the situation to him delicately. If he refused to believe her, she only had to show him the locket her mother gave her. Maybe she should have listened and kept silent about the truth, yet she had no choice but to finish what she started.

When Mia realized Gavin still held onto her, she attempted to pull her hand out of his grasp, but instead of releasing her, he tightened his hold. Only when she gave up on freeing herself, his grip loosened. He raised his eyebrows as he waited for her explanation.

With a sigh, she explained, "I overheard my parents talking about me."

"And what did they say?"

"My mother was pregnant, so my grandparents forced her to marry Robert Weller."

Gavin's thumb rubbed the inside of her palm as he coaxed, "And you're sure your father is Patrick Hennessy?"

She shivered from his gentle caress. With a nod, she explained in a smooth voice, "She was in a relationship with him until he found out she was pregnant."

Gavin searched her eyes to determine what she told him was the truth, and after a moment of silence, he finally asked her in an emotionless voice, "Why have you kept this from me?"

"My mother told me not to tell anyone."

"I'm your husband, Mia. How can I protect you if you keep secrets from me?"

"I didn't think it was important since my father doesn't know who I am."

"If he wanted to find out, he could," he told her in exasperation. "Did she say anything else I should know about?"

Mia closed her eyes and hoped she did the right thing. She thought about hiding the truth about the locket, yet she knew if Gavin ever found it, he would hate her for her betrayal. Mia prayed her mother would forgive her. She finally answered, "He gave her a locket, so if I ever wanted to meet my father, I only had to give it to him."

"Do you have the locket?"

"It's in my bedroom."

"Give it to me when we get back."

"No," she retorted, trying to pull her hand from his, but his grip tightened on her again.

"If you won't give it to me, Mia," he threatened with a hard, steely note in his voice. "I will find it in your room and take it myself."

Mia flinched in her chair. He had never cruelly spoken to her before. She avoided his severe gaze and gave up on freeing her hand. She hadn't meant to provoke him in anger. Why was this happening? Mia only wanted to meet her father.

She trembled as her anxiety whispered doubts in her mind. She wanted to trust in her husband, but had she truly done the right thing? Or did she make a mistake by telling him the truth? She wouldn't know if her decision was right or wrong unless she questioned him.

Mia's voice shook as she pleaded, "I don't understand, Gavin. Will you please explain why you're against me meeting my father?"

"He's dangerous," Gavin answered. "And you aren't ready to be involved with the criminal underworld, Mia."

"But he is my father. I hoped you would understand," she insisted as she bit on her bottom lip to keep herself from crying.

Gavin squeezed her hand gently and implored, "Look at me." She wiped the tears from her eyes and met his gaze. "Listen to me, Mia. I am not trying to keep you from meeting your father. I am only trying to protect you. Hennessy does not have any living heirs, and if he discovers you are his child, he will abduct you."

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