Chapter Eleven: Do You Want Me As I Do?

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Because of an unforeseen occurrence in the president's schedule of Bio Co., a research and development firm, Gavin's eleven o'clock meeting had been rescheduled for next week. Thankfully, he had no other plans other than with his wife at five, so Gavin left for the day. Since the death of Charlotte, he drove himself rather than hiring someone to replace his longtime friend.

Gavin slowed his vehicle down to stop at the red light. He thought about his wife constantly during the day until it drove him mad with desire. He wished he could kiss her, but his vow to wait for her to approach him was agonizing. Gavin felt a little annoyed over how content she seemed with a kiss on her forehead.

He glanced in his rearview mirror and saw multiple black cars speeding toward him. Gavin recalled the night he met Mia. He had barely made it out with his life, but this time, it would be different. 

Gavin drove to a deserted area behind a warehouse and exited his vehicle. Four black cars surrounded him, and from each car, one man stepped out. Each man wore a black leather uniform with three various-sized guns strapped to their belt, a crossbow on their back, and a silver dagger strapped to their thigh. In addition, each man wore a pair of black sunglasses, had a hood over their head, and a mask over their nose and mouth.

"Why have you been following me? Who are you?" 

One of the four men stepped forward. "We have sent multiple letters to you, but you have not responded to us." 

"I have received no letters."

The first man remarked, "Our master sent them to your company."

"That explains why. My secretary automatically throws any suspicious-looking letters away." 

A second man stepped forward and commanded, "Join us, Xavier." 

"Who are you, people? You have yet to answer my questions." 

The third man answered, "We are from the Vampire Hunter Guild. However, we understand that you, Gavin Xavier, are half-vampire and are not an immediate threat to humanity." 

"How did you find out? Only a select few are aware."

"If you join us, we will tell you."

"You want me to join the vampire hunters?"

The men did not respond to him.

"I refuse." 

The last man stepped forward and asked, "Are you on our side or the vampires'?" 

"I do not have to answer that question." 

The four men stated in unison, "Then you must die."

They each pulled out a gun and shot at him. Gavin swore as he dodged the silver bullets. He would not be able to fight all four of them as he was now. By refusing his powers, Gavin had grown weak. If he tried to fight back, they would kill him. Gavin ran for the dumpster near the warehouse and hid behind it, and when the vampire hunters chased after him, he used their error in judgment as an opportunity. He lifted the dumpster and threw it at the men. The dumpster crushed two of the four hunters, killing them instantly. Gavin smelled the poison in their blood as the dark red liquid pooled on the concrete near his feet.

Rather than fighting the other two vampire hunters, Gavin ran to his car before they could react. He still had not fully recovered from the first attack, and the blood pills only did so much. Gavin had used too much of his already weakened power, and if he fought instead, they would succeed in killing him. So, he started his car and fled the area. 

Gavin looked back and saw the two remaining hunters did not chase him. Instead, they stared down at their dead comrades whose bodies lay mangled and crushed underneath the warped metal. Trash and blood dirtied the cement. 

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