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Twelve years ago

Everything was quiet.

So terribly, terribly quiet.

She could almost hear the galloping of her little heart as it echoed through the dark hallway. The shadows around her seemed to laugh at her, mocking her fear and counting down the seconds until the sound of her own heart betrayed her and he heard her.

Her mind began to spin all sorts of horrors he would do to her if he discovered she was out of bed this late. Worse, if he knew what she intended to do.

Slowly, on the tips of her toes, she crept to the kitchen where a box of matches waited. Sweat beaded down her temples, gluing the curly strands of her dark hair to her face and neck as she opened the drawer.

With the small box in hand, her makeshift cloak consisted of a blanket and some rusty clips dragging behind her, she eyed the kitchen knife left on the table. Grabbing the knife, she plucked the key from her sleeve - one that she stole from his bedroom minutes before - and slipped out of the wooden house.

A bail lay heavy in her throat as she took a match, ignited it, then threw it at the house. She repeated the process over, over and over again, until every match burned. Until the sound of crackling fire and snapping wood broke the forest's silence, and heat kissed her cheeks, her shaking hands. 

Chucking the empty box into the fire, she stood there a moment longer, staring at the disaster she caused, the golden flames lifting toward the starless sky.

Then, with the knife gripped in her sweaty palm, she turned and ran.

Eris Vanserra Fanfiction-A Land Of Lavender And Thistle-Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now