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Eris gave me no choice this time as he curled his fingers around my arm, reached out to Brux, and winnowed us out of the throne room. My stomach was still roiling a bit as I took in the red, velvet-clasped sofa and armchairs, a low table situated in the middle with the daylight bathing it all through the three tall windows.

The Prince strode for the coffee table between two windows and began to pour himself a drink of what I guessed was white wine. Grunting, I threw myself onto the sofa, blinking away the dizziness and praying for the nausea to vanish quickly.

Licking my dry lips, I ran my eyes over the entry room of Eris' quarters while the sound of him pouring a second glass broke over the quiet. From somewhere in the rooms beyond one of the four doors occupying the walls, I heard the song of a wooden wind chime.

"Well, ginger boy," I said, looking over my shoulder at Eris, "How did I do?"

He held his back to me, and I could see his muscles straining against the beige fabric of his shirt. His long hair fell simply over a shoulder, and I could see his shoulders moving in the rhythm of his deep breathing.

He is calming himself, I realised. I braced myself for a round of scolding and cursing of my incompetence, when his cool voice floated to me.

"You were fine."

My eyes narrowed as I assessed his stiff posture while he walked to one of the  windows and gazed outside, a glass half full of wine swaying in his hand. Slowly, I rose from the sofa and approached him on quiet feet, the slippers making my steps near-soundless. I claimed a spot beside Eris, having a strange need to learn what was bothering him, as if to lift the weight from his shoulders and take it on my own.

"Your father does not like this … scenario we have. Does he?" I said, the words falling out of my mouth before I could stop them.

"No, he doesn't. I told you, his plan is to marry me with Duana." Eris replied flatly.

I pressed my lips together and peered up at his face. His amber eyes were gleaming as he stared at the waterfall gurgling hundreds of feet beneath us. His jaw was tight, a muscle ticking there every few heartbeats.

"What happens if he were to learn of our lie?" I asked, my voice a half-whisper.

His nostrils flared and I felt a wave of heat flowing amid the two of us. "Bad things."

"For you?"

"For both of us." he stated, then swallowed the last of his wine.
I wanted to say something more, but Eris cleared his throat and placed the empty glass on the coffee table. The clang of it echoed in my bones.

"I have some things to handle until the afternoon. I'll be back after that. Then we can …" He drifted off while flattening the collar of his shirt. His gaze fell on my face as he said, "I can show you around the Forest House if you want?"

I forced a grin, twisting the triple moon pendant in between my fingers. "I'll be looking forward to it, little prince."

He sucked on a tooth, a spark of amusement flashing in his eye.
Then, just when I thought he'd winnow away, Jamila appeared beside him. I pinned her with my gaze, wondering what the hell she was doing here.

Eris didn't even glance at the pixie as he said, "Jamila will be your escort for the time being. She will keep you company while I'm gone. And out of trouble I hope." My eyes flicked to him when he finished, "Avoid my brothers as much as you can. My father even more."

Then, he was gone.

I scratched the back of my head, the bracelets on my wrists jingling. Sighing, I stepped to the coffee table, took another glass and poured it halfway with the white wine. Sipping the drink, I savoured the fruity taste slipping down my throat, and faced the pixie.

Eris Vanserra Fanfiction-A Land Of Lavender And Thistle-Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now