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Standing before the mirror in my bed chamber, I wrapped a few strands of my hair around the band holding my tail. I pinned it on the spot, then checked the golden brooch clipped at the top of my shirt. As the flames in the fireplace across the room roared, I could hear the crickets playing in the background.

There wasn't a great amount of faebane on the arrow, so my powers and healing capacity returned by the morning. Until then, I had to depend on the single royal healer I trusted, and Samiha, the female who was like a guardian to me for a good part of my life.

I checked the garments varying in my usual autumn shades, when a gentle, familiar knock appeared on the door. I needn't call for her to enter as Samiha slid into the room, a piece of red fabric folder over her arm.

She was a tall creature with pawed legs covered in ginger fur, her ears almost like those of a High Fae, except their tips were bedecked in reddish fur. Her big, round green eyes were still as kind and generous as they were when I saw her for the first time at the age of fourteen. Beron had wanted someone to keep an eye on me, and Mother had an influence to put Samiha in that role.

"I brought something for you," Samiha said softly, her paws soundless over the floor as she approached me. She caressed the material in her hands with tanned fingers, a sad smile on her small lips. "It once belonged to my son."

My eyebrows bunched at that, and I felt discomfort spreading through me. I didn't know how old Samiha was, nor had I ever bothered asking. However, by the time she arrived at the Forest House and became part of the staff, it was known that she had lost her son and husband during an attack on their village. I never asked if she had anything left from them, other than the ring she wore around her neck.

Now, knowing she had kept something of her son's all these centuries seemed heartbreaking to give it to me. But, I said nothing as she unfolded the cape and let it fall almost to the floor in the space between us.

It was made of fine crimson silk, with golden clasps for the shoulders and tendrils of gold threaded at the bottom. It was certainly made by skilled hands, and care. A lot of care.

"You made this," I started, taking the fabric in my hand, "didn't you?"

She smiled at me, widely and honestly, but there was no mistaking the anguish in the green of her eyes. I gazed into those eyes, slowly gathering with tears.

"You never miss anything, do you?" she whispered. Then, taking the cape by the clasps, she made to step behind me. 

I spun out of her reach.

"I cannot accept it, Samiha. I can't." I don't deserve it. Such a thing made of motherly love and compassion.

She watched me, searching my face before her smile returned, though smaller but no less true. "You remind me of him, you know," I held back from saying he must have been an awful person if he were similar to me. "He was devoted, passionate and loyal to his home. Just like you, Eris." I stared at her, pressure rising in my throat. "I thought to keep this forever to myself, to keep it under a key and for no one to see." she added, gesturing to the cape.

"As you should."

Samiha shook her head, still smiling. "No, Eris. I was wrong. Some things, no matter how much we may fear the outcome, we must reveal them. Regardless of it being lovely or nasty." She made a step toward me, and when I tried to maneuver my way out again, she caught my arm and nailed me to the spot. "You will wear this cape, my Prince. You will wear it with pride and honor."

Once she clipped the cape on my shoulders, she met my gaze in the mirror. I held that look, not wanting to run from it. Because I knew for a fact I would be running tonight. But not from Samiha. She did nothing to deserve that.

Eris Vanserra Fanfiction-A Land Of Lavender And Thistle-Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now