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The sound of water dripping from the faucet and into the full tub bounced off the walls as I lounged in the tub. The slowly cooling water was steady against my body, unmoving where it touched my scarred flesh as I held my eyes closed, my arms braced at the bronze sides.

The scent of white lilies I found earlier yesterday evening curled up my nose, the ten flowers floating on the water. I chose the plant for more reasons than one, the first being that it represented purity and I felt the need to purify myself, at least in some way. And the second reason was that my mother had planted lilies in the backyard of our old house. 

My home.

As I let my mind wander, images appearing before my eyes, my breathing echoed over the water. Then, I saw his face. 

Rough features, but handsome nonetheless. His ruffled red hair falling in a loose tail down his back and his eyes like chips of gold as they rested on me. I remembered the silken feel of his unharmed skin as I took off his shirt and wrapped the fabric around his shoulder. I recalled the muscles on his stomach, the defined pectorals and the thin line of dark hair disappearing under his belt–

I snapped my eyes open, scowling at my own filthy course of thoughts. I saved him from certain death, period. There was nothing romantic about the entire scene.

And yet, I felt my cheeks catching fire at the memory of his eyes blazing in my direction, the emotions that exploded in his eyes when he first saw me. Of course, I had no clue who he was until he declared it himself, but the lie ran swiftly over my lips and the disinterest I played out seemed to have offended him enough to go deadly still. 

Mama Amelia had spent a fair amount of time dreading my lying abilities when I was younger. However, as the years passed, I learned to accept my lying tongue as a handy skill, but not a virtue.

It was thanks to good luck that he did not smell the fear coiling inside me when he had curled his lip and revealed his fangs. It was of no comfort that I had a matching set behind my own lips. Still, the predatory, killing part of me delighted in every sound of agony the Fae Prince had made, the fact that I, a mere mortal despite no longer being one physically, had control over a fairy.

And not just any fairy, a High Fae royal.

In the last hours of yesterday's evening, I spent time talking with Icelyn. Or rather, I spent my time listening to her talk tales of the Autumn Court since I claimed to have no memory about where I came from or what I was doing in the Spring Court, and I managed to pick up some intel along the way. It wasn't much and I was still thrilled at the thought of the local library Icelyn was to take me to later today, but it was enough for me to form a faint picture in my mind. Things I had either heard the human hunters talk about, information Mama Amelia gave me, or things I had read about in books.

It was when Icelyn went to make dinner that I noticed a vase of dry pink camellias by the window. I didn't ask her if she was aware the flowers represented longing, only if I could go and replace them with fresh ones. Icelyn beamed at the idea and I used the chance to fetch some lilies along the way.

Riding on Achillea, I granted myself more time outside than expected. I didn't worry too much about getting lost since I had a black ribbon from Icelyn to tie my braid; I used that as a tool with which Brux's nose guided us back to the cabin. That was, of course, after I stumbled upon the unconscious Fae.

My first reaction was to turn Achillea away and take us as far away as possible. My hands had already gripped the reins, when Icelyn's words rang in my head.

Wouldn't it be a civil thing to do? To help someone in need, no matter if they are High Fae, lesser fairy or even mortal.

Whenever I thought of leaving him there, with an arrow jutting out of his shoulder, guilt poked my brain and twisted my gut. Before I could reconsider, I leapt off Achillea and began to inspect the Fae. At first, I was surprised to find him only groaning subconsciously as I took out the arrow. Then, I realised why his breathing was so shallow and wheezy.

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