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I stared at my hands where I ran my fingertips over the silver thread woven into the hem of the corn-yellow pallu falling over my shoulder and enveloping my left arm. Samiha – a lesser Fae who mostly served Eris and his mother, as Jamila told me – was weaving her tanned fingers through my hair, styling it into a simple updo, her golden hair made in a tight bun at her nape.

She had brought me food this morning, for lunch as well. And now, less than half an hour ago, she brought the outfit Eris had chosen for me for tonight, and with it came the most beautiful bow I'd ever laid my eyes on. By the design it was rather plain, made of polished obsidian; but it was the artwork in yellow and red ink that fascinated me. Sun, fire and foxes were illustrated on the bow, and at the bottom were written delicate letters that I told myself meant something nice.

Now, the bow was stored into a secret drawer installed into my closet, along with the rest of my weapons – a little something gingerboy showed me yesterday, when I first entered my quarters. They were set right bellow his, near the top of the tower.

"There. You are all one, miss." Samiha said.

Letting go the fabric of the pallu, I rose from the stool and looked in the mirror before me. I was spooked, my eyes bulged out, for the girl staring back at me was not Ruth Eldridge I was familiar with.

White glitter was sprinkled over my cheekbones, making my gold-brown skin appear darker. My eyes seemed to be standing out thanks to the earrings of guttering green stones framed in silver where they hung from my ears. My ears, no longer small and round but pointed and jutting through the front curls of my hair. Half of it was secured by a comb adorned in emeralds that matched the necklace sitting in the hollow of my throat, the triple moon pendant set just beneath it. The yellow satin of the pallu where it hugged my waist and draped over my shoulder shone under the candlelight. I twisted and turned, marveling at the stunning pleated skirt reaching above my ankles and its silvery rims, the shoes leaving most of my feet bare aligned with the color.

No – I was really not familiar with the girl in front of me.

"You look lovely, miss." Samiha said and I almost yelped, completely forgetting the fairy was even there.

When I whirled to face her, she was smiling, her long skirt covering most of her slender, furry legs and leaving her feline, ginger paws on display. I felt my cheeks go red and I smiled shily, my eyes darting around the room.

"Thank you." I murmured.

Samiha's smile widened before she made a small bow and strode out of the room.

For a few more moments, I stared at my reflection – or rather, at the ravishing outfit Eris chose for me.

I had seen him late at noon, when I was on my way to my quarters and I saw him hurrying up the stairs. He did not winnow for some reason, and I wondered if it had anything to do with the reason for the ashen skin of his face, his wide amber eyes and his ruffled hair. He barely regarded me or Jamila, giving only Brux a quick scratch on the head before continuing up the staircase, leaving the scent of rain-damp pines in his wake. So far, that had been the only sign of him I had for the entire day.

When Jamila returned from her hour-long conversation with gingerboy, she refused to tell me what they spoke of. To be fair, I wasn't sure why I even bothered to know what had caused for his eyes to blaze with wrath, why his jaw was set and why his full mouth was a thin line.

Taking a deep breath, I shook my head, as if the act could chase away those thoughts. Then, I padded into the entry room and found Jamila already waiting there for me. To no surprise, she wore what appeared to be her usual spying attire, her wings like swirling clouds at dawn, the colors shifting and melting together.

Eris Vanserra Fanfiction-A Land Of Lavender And Thistle-Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now