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The next morning, once I woke up in the empty bed long after the sun had risen, I found myself half-dozing and sauntering through Eris' quarters. It took me some time to realize that it was not Jamila I had been looking for, or Brux who I found laying at my feet in the bed, but the Autumn Court prince.

Although, there was no sign of Eris in all the rooms I searched. Spare for the late morning breeze and the wind chimes singing to its melody, the Prince's quarters were quiet. Lonely.

So, with a sigh, I dropped onto the edge of the bed, laying on my back and staring meaninglessly at the ceiling.

At the memory of everything we'd done last night, I bit my lip, heat gathering in my cheeks. Regardless, I smiled, giggled even, pulling the night robe around my naked body closer. I remembered what he'd told me last night, the sweet words he whispered in my ears while making love to me, kissing and caressing every scar that covered my body.

There had been no disgust or disapproval on his face, in the amber of his stunning eyes when I used my first wish and demanded to hear only truth from his lips. Oh, and I heard it – tasted it.

I blushed harder.

After ten minutes of laying on the bed, grinning at the ceiling with Brux sprawled beside me on the crumpled sheets, I decided it would be right to get properly dressed and to comb my hair. Lest Eris arrived, he needn't find me in my least flattering state.

Padding to the bathing chamber, I soaked in the grand bathtub for some time, humming some off-key tune and smiling at Brux without reason every few minutes. He would reply with a mere tilt of his head and a wag of his bushy tail. Eventually, I abandoned the tub, then donned on a pair of tight leggings and a petticoat. I was more than pleased to find Jamila in the entry room, perched on the bottom of an upside down cup with a book the size of my fingernail in her hands. At my arrival, she flew toward me, then left when I asked her to call for Samiha, since I could not master the art of putting on a saree on my own.

To my surprise, it did not take long for the tall fairy to come, with a prepared set of cloth and jewelry in her tanned hands. With a smile, she guided me to the bed chamber and helped me put on the saree, this time the shades of green rimmed with gold. She did not ask why I wanted to suddenly wear a saree when I refused it the day before, and I had to admit I was glad she did not.

Yesterday, when Jamila came for me to take me to Eris' study, I had chosen to wear the Night Court's attire. In spite to him or myself, I couldn't say for certain; I only knew that, after I had zoomed out of this very room two days ago, my feet carried with fear, I kept recalling his compliment at the gathering. How the Autumn Court clothes fit me better.

Now, I had nothing to defy. I didn't feel the need to do such a thing.

As Samiha placed a beautiful, shimmering headpiece along my hair parting, letting the circle of beads and gold dangle against my forehead, I found myself frowning slightly. Gods, did a single good night of sex make me a silly, beaming fool?

At the thought of last night – of the warmth of Eris' arms, the fire which rushed in my veins every time our eyes locked – I felt my lips twirling into a bland smile again.

And there was my answer, it appeared.

Finishing my look with an armlet sparkling with small diamonds settled into the gold, I looked at the fairy over my shoulder and smiled gratefully. Samiha grinned and nodded in return, something proud but curious in her eyes as she watched me trudge out of the bedroom and greet Jamila beyond.

Eris Vanserra Fanfiction-A Land Of Lavender And Thistle-Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now