Chapter 1

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Sitting on the parks grass. Touching the wet grass. Looking at the blue sky with puffy clouds. It was peaceful, very peaceful. My eyes slowly begin to shut.

I wake up in a dark room.

"Hello?" I say.

"She's awake." I hear someone say near the door. 

The door opens reviling the bright light. I close my eyes and put my hand over my face, blocking the light.

"What's your name?"

"Who are you?" I say

"It's Liam."



"Ya from One Direction right?" I say getting up meeting his dark-red eyes. 

I gasp and my heart pounds louder by the second.

"She smells delicious." I hear that Irish accent. Knowing its Niall Horan. 

I can feel his hot breath on my neck.

"Please, dont." I say.

"Don't? I'm not going to do anything,love. At least not yet."  

He says in my ear sending shivers down my spine.

"Not yet?" I question

"Yes, as in.."

"Shut up, Niall!" I hear Louis yell. 

I look up at them. They all have red-dark eyes,pale skin-cold skin.

I see Zayn and Harry come in as well. They're all the same. Like there vampires. My brown eyes looking at Harry's eyes. There not green, there red. He's a little less pale than usual.  

He doesn't see me looking at me. So I look at all of them. There not like the famous boy-band I know, with there colored eyes and perfect colored skin. I think they can be vampires.

"What are you guys going to do with me?"

Each of them exchange glances.

"We saw you sleeping on the park grass, so peaceful. And we knew you can be one of us. A vampire. And if you won't accept, were going to have to kill you." Liam said.


"Yes but we're aren't bad. We won't do anything to you all you need to do is make your decision to be a vampire."

I look at Liam and nod.

"Who will take the gift of biting you?"

I look around and see there eyes glued on me.


He comes over. I can feel his hot breath on my neck, his curls as well. He takes a deep breath and bites me. The pain, it hurt. I let a tear roll down my face. I let out a moan of pain.  

The next thing I know, I blacked out. 


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