Chapter 25

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Ivette's POV•

Here goes nothing...

"Well when I was showering someone opened the door. I thought it was you, so I said get out, but it was actually Louis. Before you do anything. He didn't do anything. I told him to get out so he did. I swear nothing happened."

I look at Harry and he's not saying anything.

"Harry? Are you mad?"

He's not saying anything. I look at his eyes and they are darker than usual.



"I-I I'm sorry." I say looking down as tears start to flow away.

I get up and try to leave ,but Harry gets my hand and pushes me back.


I wipe my tears with my free hand and look at him.

"Your mad I can tell, just save it." I say.

"I'm mad but not with you. You did the right thing , I'm furious with Louis."

I look at him and nod. What is there to say? I go onto my bed and just lay there. Wondering what Harry will do to Louis. Will they fight? Try to kill each other? Harry kisses my cheek and lays down next to me.

"What are you going to do to him?" I say.

"I don't know. But it won't be physical ,since you hate that."

I chuckle as I slowly begin to fall asleep onto his arms.


I wake up hours later all by myself on my bed. I shrug as I get up and go downstairs.

"Hi." I say to everyone.

I hear 'heys' from everyone and a 'hi babe' from Harry. I sit next to Harry and just look around.

"So..." I say.

I look at Harry and lift my eyebrow at him. It's so quiet. There's awkward silence in the room. It feels so boring.

"I'm bored. I'm gonna go outside. Bye!" I say getting up and running outside.

I look outside and it's so beautiful. Kids playing, old people outside drinking lemonade on their porch. It felt nice almost like a dream.

I look around and see Louis leaning on Harry's car with a girl, I think it's Kathy. That was a nightmare. I roll my eyes and continue to walk around enjoying what I can. My stomach starts to growl. I'm hungry for blood, no food this time. I had enough of ice-cream and junk food, I need blood. I look around and see a little boy alone at the near park. I get closer to him and see his mom is no where near. I grab the kid quickly and take him in back of a car. I sink my fangs in him. It's been a long time since I had blood. It tasted so good. Like heaven in a body. I look at the boy and he is pale white. I take out my fangs and clean my mouth. I leave the little boy laying on the cold hard floor. I feel so bad ,but this is what I have to do. Kill people that didnt do anything to me, so I can live. I look around to see if anyone saw, good no one did. I walk back to the house and see Louis and Kathy are still there. I roll my eyes once more as Louis smirks. I go inside the house and see everyone filled with boredom.

"Where were you?" Harry asked.

"I had a meal."

"Without me?"

"You were sitting down being boring so I left."

I smile as I sit on the couch and watch everyone being bored.

"You guys are boring." I say.

They all look up and smile.

"We have nothing to do." Zayn says.

"How about you guys go play football or something?"

Zayn smiles as everyone follows, including me, outside to watch the game they will play.


Sorry if its short but I had to help my mom clean the house and I had a head ache. I'll continue tomorrow.

And please don't hate on this cuz it gets dirty. Thank you for the person that defend me.❤ And to the person that called 'Hidden' "crap" , I called you a hoe. c:

Please VOTE! LOVE YOU ALL ;* ❤❤

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