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Harry's POV:

It's been a while since Ivette ,you know died. Avery has gotten a little better since she met another group of vampire kids. I on the other hand am wreck. Natalie hasn't kept contact I think she's wreck too. But I'm not the only depressed. Louis and Liam is, of course Liam is, he burnt his own little sisters body. Of course he's going to feel like bloody hell. Louis still doesn't eat. He has a snack but that's not the right nutrients a vampire needs. We need about 3 body's to stay alive, Louis isn't eating the right amount, he can possibly die. I can even go outside without thinking Ivette is there somewhere hiding from me or someone. I just wish I can see her, you know.

"Harry it's snack time. Get your own body and take it here. So you can save the rest." Agatha, the main vampire, tells me.

"Yes ma'am." I say.

Let me tell you how we grab our food here, it's pretty crazy. So when we got here, they, the counsel of vampires, told us everything we need to know. We have a little stage, where vampires grab random people for us to feed on. If we don't grab a body, no snack nor lunch. So it was either get his or her body and snatch it before someone else gets the body. We are competing for our own food, pretty Hunger Games am I right?

I go outside to the arena or stage as our "completion" starts.

"Harry, Niall, Zayn. On the edge so we can get about 6 body's and let the others starve."

'Ouch.' I think to myself.

"5,4,3,2,1!" Liam mouths as we try to get our food.

I run as fast as I can towards the girl that is blind folded, not knowing where she is. She's whimpering but I'm starving! I look at the other side and see another vampire coming towards the same body as I am. I change my routine and go over to him knocking him down. I go right back to the girl and grab her as I go out the door going in, what's called "1D vamps" lounge. I breath heavy as the girl whimpers, remind me how Ivette was when we first "kid-napping" her.

"Shh." I say taking off her blindfold.

"W-where am I? I wanna go back home!"

"I'm sorry I have to do this, I truly am but it's life." I say to her.


I take out my fangs and bite her neck. I can see many tears falling from her eyes.

"I'm sorry." I say as I lay her dead body in the floor, so I can drink the rest later.

"Did you get a body?" Liam says going through the doors lounge.

"Ya. I left some for later or y'know for Louis."

"If Louis doesn't want to eat then let him die. It's your food."

"But I want to share it."

I say before storming out the door. Liam has been a pain in the ass. I know I don't like Louis but he needs to eat as well. He can die and Avery won't have a dad.

"Louis can you open the door?" I ask him.

"No, just leave."

"Lou please open it."

He finally gives up and opens it. He looks so pale, yellowish. Even more skinnier.

"Louis what happened you?!" I say closing the door behind me.


"You've starved yourself. This is pathetic."

"It's not! I need Ivette!"

"She's not here anymore. Please eat." I say as I look into his eyes.

He sighs. I grab his hand as I take him to the lounge as he eats the left over body I left for him. Louis is in a better place now. And so is Avery, everything will be alright...


This sequel sucked! :( ....But I was thinking of creating ....Hidden part 2!! Should I? Please tell me! ☺

HiddenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora