Chapter 21

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Ivette's POV:

I'm running as fast as I can to the hospital-to see my dead mother.

"Ivette! Stop!" I hear Louis.

Tears rolling down my face already. I can taste the salt from my latest tears. I lick my lips knowing I'm going to get chapped lips. I look at the street name 'Hedson St.' I read. Just one more block, one more. I try to run faster ignoring the pain on my sides. I see many rocks coming closer and closer. I'm trying to stop myself with my shoe heels, but I fall giving my a bloody nose and scratched knee. I cry in pain. My head-ache increases making me whine.

"Ivette!" I hear Louis as he catches his breath. "Are you ok?!" He finishes.

I moan in pain as Louis touches my injured knee. Louis takes out his phone calling I think Harry. I feel my blood dripping to my bottom lip. I hear a car honk. It's a black range-rover car- Harry. Louis carries me bridal-style into the car.

"What happened to her?!"

"She tripped..." Louis says.

I'm still losing blood, I'm becoming light headed. Harry us driving quickly because I see the trees passing quickly. He pulls down at the drive was as Louis carries me again onto the couch. Liam gives me an ice-pack for my head-ache.

"Ivette you ok?!" I hear many voices.

I hear fast footsteps coming down the stairs: Niall & Avery.

"Mommy are you ok?!" She says hugging me.

"She say mommy?" Harry says.

Louis takes Harry into the kitchen telling him everything. My head-ache becomes bigger and bigger by the second. I moan in pain, but this time louder. I may be a vampire, but I can't recover my head-ache. I look to see my knee knee is recovered and so is my bloody nose. It's just my head-ache. I put my head on my hands and whine.

"Give her pills!" Zayn says.

Liam goes upstairs in super-speed and come down with 2 white pills. I swallow them as my head-ache decreases. I see everybody looking at me. I'm going to need an explanation.

"I'm sorry for making a scene. It's just both of my parents are dead." I say getting up and going to my room.

I wash my face and sit on the bed holding my tears. I hear a knock on the door and see its Harry.

"I'm sorry." He says.


"Ya?" I say

"Do you um, still love me?"


Sorry it's late I'm REALLY SICK. And I got my electronic devise taken away. So I'm using this without permission.


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