Chapter 39

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Ivette's POV:

I watched a Avery played with her dolls.

"You wanna play mommy?

"I'm ok, you play." I say giving her a warmly smile.

I have to admit, I missed Avery so much and the boys, I just couldn't see them.

"Avery where are you?" I hear Liam say.

My eyes widen as I hear the footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Lets play hide-and-seek. I'll hide and you seek. Don't tell Li I'm here." I say quickly running off to the window and climbing a tree.

I climb really high up until I can see almost all the forest. I breath in the fresh air until I feel someone get me throwing me down. I feel "it" suck my soul out. I can barley breath. I'm still living I just can't move to save the thing that's going to get Avery.

Liam's POV:

"What happened Avery?" I say.

"I'm playing hide-and-seek!" She squeals.

"Whit whom may I ask?"

"My momm- um Emily."

"Who's Emily?"

"She's my friend. She's a ghost so you can't see her."

A ghost? Was Avery trying to pull strings or...

"We'll tell Emily I said hi."

"I will Uncle."

I smile as I go outside and wait at te edge of her door, where she can't see me.

"Mommy, Uncle Liam is gone, come back please I miss you alot." I hear Avery say.

Was Emily Ivette or was it just her friend?

"I never left." I hear a voice that sound just like Ivette.

My heart dropped. My eyes widen. My hands started to shake. Ivette was here to see us, no not us Avery. I start to breath heavily. I missed Ivette, of course she's my sister, but something didn't feel right. It wasn't Ivette. It was someone else whom cloned Ivette. The question remaining is who is pretending to be Ivette?


Cliff Hanger (; lol. Sorry I keep putting author notes. I know it gets annoying many people told me :( .

= So what do you think the "thing" is that sucked Ivette's soul out? :0 =

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