Chapter 6

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•Ivette's POV• 

We're at the hospital with Niall, Louis, Zayn, and Harry. Liam stayed with Tristyn for safety reasons.  

"Hi um, my friend Louis need blood. He's O positive." 

'Go with it ok, Lou?' I send him a mind-message. 

'Sure' he messages back. 

"Yes, please follow me here." The lady says. 

I grab Louis' hand as we go into the room. 

"Please sit here, Louis Tomlinson."  

Everybody knows famous One Direction, that's why they get treated so right. 

"They'll give you a pint. Please don't drink it Louis."  

"I won't, sheesh." 

I roll my eyes and sit on the chair.
It was awkward silence.
I clear my throat and talk to Louis.
"Who's your mate?" I tell Louis.
"No one, still single."
"Don't worry Niall, Zayn, Harry, and I are single too." 
He has a smile but fades away.
"Here you go, Louis." The lady said handing Louis the pint.
Hold your fangs, Ivette. Hold them.
She leaves and my fangs come out. 

"Dam it!" I say waiting for them to come back in. 

I look at the mirror to see me normal teeth. 

"Lets go." I say as Louis has the pint and we make our way out of the hospital with the boys. 

"Got it!" I say to the boys who nod and leave the hospital- 

We reach the house as I give Liam the pint. 

"Who know how to do this?" 

"I do.." 
All the boys look up at me. 

"My mom is a doctor ,so I learned, I'm gonna' need a needle." 

Niall goes upstairs with his super speed and comes back down. 

"How? Never mind."  

I fill the needle with the O positive blood and inject it into Tristyn vein in her wrist. 

"That enough. And theres left over." I say smirking. 

"I think Lou should get it since he helped us." 

"No you get it Ivette." Louis said. 
I grab the pint and head to the kitchen. I grab 6 small cups and fill it with the blood. 

"Boys! Come in here!" I say before the all come in. 

"Here ya go!" I say. 

They each get a cup as we drink the sweet-delicious blood. 

"Yum!" I say wiping the left over blood from my mouth. 

"Go set Tristyn on my bed Liam. I won't be here tonight."  


"I um.."

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