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Eighteen years later...

The Battle of New York ended, and Loki was taken as prisoner in the Avenger's tower. As repercussion for his actions, he was to live confined to his floor- the one made for prisoners. The entire floor was locked down and made inescapable. He was the sole prisoner in the tower until the day the Avengers came back from their mission with an unconscious woman in tow.

"Who's that?" Loki asked Thor, watching agents carry Katerina into the medical examination room.

"Your roommate." Tony said, "Play nice or you'll end up with a knife in you."

"Are you threading to kill me, Stark?" Loki glowered.

"No... I'm warning you." He mumbled.

Loki raised an eyebrow, but no one paid him any more attention. The Avengers busied themselves around Katerina before slowly filing out.

"-absolutely sure that this floor is secure?" Natasha asked.

"Reindeer Games hasn't escaped." Tony pointed out.

"She's not Loki." Natasha said.

"I know, the floor is secure." He promised.

Natasha took one last look at Katerina's body on the table before leaving the doctor and nurses to attend to her. Loki stood outside the room, watching for a moment, before getting bored and leaving to the living room to read a book. He read in peace until he heard a nurse scream. Standing up, he cautiously made his way to the medical examination room to find Katerina had woken up, and was holding the doctor in a chokehold.

"Tell me where I am." She demanded.

"New York!" The doctor gasped, "The Avenger's tower!"

"Let him go." A voice called from behind Loki, who turned.

Natasha stood in the doorway.

"Release him." She commanded.

"I don't take orders from anyone- let alone you." Katerina spat.

"Well now you're a prisoner here, so you might not want to kill anyone and risk ending up disciplined by Shield instead of just us." Natasha said.

Katerina didn't move and the doctor was turning blue.

"Katerina." Natasha said.

With a swift movement, Katerina released the doctor and pushed him away. He fell to the floor, gasping for breath and scrambling to get away from her. Katerina looked to Natasha.

"Why am I here?" She asked.

"You're a threat-"

"No shit."

Natasha gave her a look.

"I know this is going to be hard for you, being cooped up in one place, but it's this or a jail cell with Shield who isn't quite as friendly." Natasha said, arms crossed.

"Really? Those are the only options?" Katerina asked, cocking her head.

Natasha looked away.

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