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Tony rolled his eyes and gave Bruce a "can you believe this girl?" look.

"Come on! You have to remember Halloween!" Tony exclaimed at Katerina.

"It's the ghost day, right?" She asked.

"Yes!" He clapped his hands, "Ten points to Katerina!"

"But that doesn't explain why you came all the way here to shout the name 'Halloween' at me... unless that's a tradition I'm forgetting." She said.

"No! I came to inform you that it's almost Halloween, so-"

"It's in a month, actually." Bruce interrupted.

"It's October!" Tony said, "And we have to do some Halloween activities to get in the spirit!"

"Uh..." Katerina didn't look too sure about his plan.

"And don't forget about costumes! I can get you the supplies you need once you figure out what you're going to be." Tony said.

"Be? I thought only children dressed up for Halloween?" Katerina said, confused.

"Nah, Halloween is for everybody! And to honor your first Halloween in the tower- I'm throwing a party."

"Another one?" She groaned.

"Yes! And you'll like it, thank you very much!" Tony said sassily.

Katerina huffed.

"I'm not dressing up in a costume." She said.

"It's a requirement for the party." Tony said.

"Then I'm not going."

"It's mandatory!"

"A mandatory party?"

"Bruce, back me up here!" Tony called, looking back.

Bruce hadn't been visiting as often as he used to. He didn't really say anything to anyone, but all of Loki's constant glaring was getting to him. To make matters worse, Bruce didn't even know why Loki was so angry with him. He just wanted peace.

"Bruce?" Tony prompted when he didn't reply at first.

"You can't force her to dress up, Tony." Bruce said, causing Tony to gasp and swivel around in his chair so fast he almost fell off it.

"Betrayal!" He shouted, pointing at him.

Bruce sighed, and Katerina hid her smirk. Drawn in by the commotion, Loki stood in the doorway to the kitchen, surveying the situation.

"And if it isn't Mr. Evil Eye himself!" Tony exclaimed, noticing how Loki's glare fell on Bruce for a moment.

"What do you want, Stark?" Loki asked, taking a seat at the table.

"A lot of things, but first..." he paused dramatically for effect, "to brainstorm Halloween activities!"

Loki looked very unimpressed.

"Come on, you know, the holiday when kids- and adults! get dressed up in costumes, and then eat a bunch of candy while watching horror movies?"

"I know what Halloween is, I don't know why you are coming to us to 'plan activities'." Loki said.

"Because I want your input!" Tony said, mostly directing it at Katerina.

"Fine. What are the options?" She sighed.

"Pumpkin carving!"

"No." Bruce vetoed immediately, with a quick glance at Loki.

"What? Why?"

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