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After making enough pancakes for all of the Avengers, managing to not burn down the tower, and avoiding World War III: Slytherins VS Gryffindors, they all sat down to eat. The whole time they were cooking, Bruce was nervous and jumpy, Katerina not knowing why, and Loki being the cause.

Loki sat next to Katerina and Thor, planning to ask his brother about talking to Odin to find out if Katerina was Asgardian. Katerina struck up a conversation with Natasha about the pancakes, and Loki noticed Thor not paying attention to any conversations, so he chose that moment to start.


"Loki." Thor grinned, mouth full of pancake.

"Would you stop that, that's disgusting!" Loki scolded.

Thor chewed and swallowed before laughing.

"My apologies, brother." He said.

"I need to ask a favor." Loki said.

"No, I can't free you." Thor sighed.

"No, it's not that." He said, annoyed, "It's about Katerina."

"Ah, I see." Thor said knowingly, nodding his head, "You see brother, the key to a woman's heart-"

"No!" Loki yelled, a bit too loudly because everyone turned to look at him for a moment.

He gave them a sheepish look and they resumed their conversations.

"I'm not asking for relationship advice." Loki seethed quietly.

"You're not?" Thor seemed surprised, "You mean you already are wooing her?"

"I'm not-! Thor. Thor, I am not pursuing a relationship with Katerina, nor am I asking you advice on how to pursue a relationship with her, especially not when she's sitting right next to me." Loki said.

"Whatever you say, brother." Thor said, winking poorly.

"Please never try to do that again." Loki said.

"Say, Tony, could you please pass the syrup?" Thor asked, and once he received it, Loki begrudgingly began the conversation once more.

"What I need to ask you to do, is talk to Odin and Heimdall about an Asgardian man by the name of Sven, and his daughter and family. We have reason to believe that Katerina is Asgardian." Loki explained.

"We? And you say you're not interested in a relationship." Thor chuckled.

"Focus." Loki snapped his hand in front of Thor's face.

Thor sighed.

"Yes, I will look into it." He promised.

"Thank you." Loki sighed in relief.

"But brother, if you ever need to talk about how to start a relationship with a Russian assassin-"

"No." He interrupted, "We aren't having this conversation."

"I'd be open to holding classes. I'm no expert on that subject, per say, but I have plenty of advice on the topic of Midgardian women!" Thor said, "Hey, Bruce could come too!"

Loki's face turned cold.

"What?" He asked sharply, wondering if his brother knew of any desires Bruce had to pursue a romantic relationship with Katerina.

"You aren't the only one who likes women who could beat them up anytime, any day." Thor teased.

"You're saying Bruce likes her as w-" Loki stopped abruptly, "I mean, likes her?"

"Who, Katerina?"

"Yes." Loki said, looking highly pissed off, and glaring at Bruce from around Thor so severely that Bruce dropped his fork in surprise.

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