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"Where's all the canned beans?" Steve asked, as he rummaged through the cabinets to make dinner.

He, Bruce and Tony had come over early to prepare while Clint and Nat finished training and Thor was dealing with "space stuff". Loki for once, was out of his room while the Avengers were present, and stood leaned against a wall in the living room.

Katerina looked up from picking at her nails upon hearing Steve's question. She made eye contact with Loki, who was fighting back a grin.

"No idea." Loki said, "Perhaps we've eaten them all?"

"No, I swear I just bought a bunch the other day!" Tony said, marching over to look in the cabinets as well, as if Steve was missing something, "Come to think of it, weren't these shelves stocked full just recently?"

"I don't know, you're in charge of shopping!" Steve argued.

"I'm not living on this floor!" Tony restored, "Ask the prisoners, Capsicle."

Steve sighed, and ignored Tony's suggestion, instead choosing to cook something else. Katerina waited a moment to ensure no one was watching her before quietly slinking over to Loki.

"Thanks for covering for me." She whispered, leaning against the wall as well.

"Well that's what you do in an alliance." Loki said, as if it were obvious.

"I never agreed to that." Katerina pointed out, on guard again.

"What do you have to loose?" Loki asked, voice raising the slightest bit.

Katerina watched Bruce give them a glance over his shoulder.

"We aren't talking about this now." She said.

"Fine." Loki replied.

There was a ding as the elevator down the hallway opened up and Natasha, Clint, and Thor entered the floor. Natasha and Clint both looked surprised to see Loki out and about, but didn't voice their thought. Thor, on the other hand, did.

"Brother?! What are you doing out here?" Thor asked loudly and excitedly marching over, "Have you come to eat with us?!"

"Not if you keep yelling in my ear." Loki snapped, but his eyes told Katerina he wasn't really upset. Thor didn't seem to notice though, and backed off.

"Ah, right. My apologies." Thor said in a quieter tone, and he left to stand in the kitchen.

"Why do you do that?" Katerina questioned Loki quietly when no one was watching.

"Do what?" He said, knowing exactly what she was talking about.

"Push him away like that, idiot. It's obvious he wants you here, and that you want to be wanted here, so why?" She demanded.

"Hah, like you've never pushed away someone who wanted you there." Loki scoffed, "Need I remind you of Romanoff's existence?"

"Shut up." She glared, "That's different."

"Really? How so?" He asked sarcastically.

"The difference is from what I've heard, you were the asshole to betray Thor. You left, I was left. There's a difference."

Loki could see the way her entire body tensed up while talking. She looked ready for a fight.

"Whatever." He dismissed, "But you want to be here just as much as she wants you here."

"Yeah, so I can gather intel and not starve!" Katerina hissed.

"Keep telling yourself that. Maybe one day it will be true." Loki snarked.

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