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When Katerina saw Loki again, things were sort of awkward at first. They moved around the kitchen, making their breakfasts before sitting down at the table.

"So..." Katerina began and Loki perked up immediately to look at her, "I talked with Nat yesterday..."

"And?" He prompted.

"She might see about leaving the tower sometime." She said.

Loki's face was neutral, but he felt a twinge of anger towards Natasha.

"Oh. I see." He said stonily.

"Not just me! I asked about you too." Katerina said.

All of the anger flooded away with some strange new emotion. Loki looked at her, shocked.


"Yeah." She laughed nervously, "She said she wasn't so sure about it, and I mean, I'm sure there'd be restrictions and stuff, but she said she'd bring it up to the group."

Without thinking, Loki reached over and touched her hand. Katerina was surprised by the gesture, but didn't flinch.

"Thank you." He said.

"You deserve a second chance too." Katerina said softly.


"I know, you want to escape and run away, but what if there's more here on Earth than you  thought? Like, reasons to stay. Reasons to prove yourself trustworthy." Katerina said.

Reasons like her.

"I don't know." He said.

"You don't have to make up your mind right now, I'm not even sure if this will work-"

"Still. You asked about me. Thank you." Loki said.

"Was that sincerity I detected?" Katerina teased.

Loki rolled his eyes at her and took a bite of his omelette.

"But if you by any chance wanted to, I don't know, repay the favor..." She trailed off.

Loki felt a bit disappointed. Was that all this was? A favor to get something she wanted?

"I would really like to learn how to control my magic, and I'd like you to teach me." Katerina finished.

A feeling of warmth flooded up through his body, replacing the disappointment.

"Of course." Loki said, "We can begin right away."

"I mean, I know you have such a busy schedule, staring at the wall all day, but if you could squeeze me in, I'd really appreciate it." She laughed.

Loki couldn't help but laugh too.

"I'll see what I can do."

Now that the tension had left the air, Katerina and Loki were able to converse freely. When the Avengers arrived for dinner, Katerina had been so caught up in Loki's story of his past pranks on Thor, that she didn't even hear them at first and was actually surprised to see them.

"Oh hi guys!" She greeted them.

They exchanged greetings and Katerina expected Loki to get up and leave, but he didn't. He sat next to her on the couch and observed the others having their conversations. Thor entered the floor later than the others who had arrived as a group. He made eye contact with his brother before gesturing to the hallway. Loki sighed and stood up. Katerina looked over at him.

"You're leaving now?" She asked him, disappointed.

"I'll be right back, I need to talk to Thor." He said.

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