Part 2

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"Was that your dad?" "No it was my Boyfriend Fundy"

*Clay's Pov*

"What are you doing out here" I asked walking over to Prince. "My parents are going to force me to marry a woman named Niki" "Wait Niki Nihachu? The Princess from Roseland Kingdom" "I'm guessing so" "Dude Why wouldn't you want to marry her?" "Because I don't want to" "Why not? Your life is amazing. I wish I could be you" "No you don't" "Yeah I do. Your life is perfect. You get to do whatever you want!" "Yeah I guess.. anyway tell your boyfriend you are coming with me" "Um okay. But why?" "So I can show you how my life really is" 

*Once they get back to the kingdom*

"This my room. I will lend you some clothes. Also I will tell Callahan that you are here" "Wouldn't he tell your parents" "No. I trust him so hopefully he doesn't" George walked out of his room to find the butler or whoever Callahan is. I just sat on his bed and waited for him. It was at least 5 minutes until he came back. "Okay so Callahan knows you are here and he promised he wouldn't tell anyone." "Okay but what are you gonna tell your parents if they see me" "I will tell them you are a friend from a different kingdom" "They wouldn't believe you! Do you see me. I look like a mess" "Its fine just take a shower, brush your teeth and do shit like that in my bathroom and I will also give you clothes so you can look the part" "Okay okay whatever but can you lend me like a hair brush and a tooth brush" "Yeah I will"

*George's Pov*

I walked out of the room to go and find Callahan. I found him cleaning my parents room. "Callahan can you get Clay a hair brush, a tooth brush, and some clothes of mine. Oh can you also get him some bedding. He will need somewhere to sleep." "Yes Prince" i walked put of the room and went to the kitchen. "Hi chef! What are you making today?" "I am making food for you and the future queen to try" "Oh my God! I am not marrying her!" I walked put of the kitchen and went back to my room. "hey-" I walked in on Clay somewhat clothed. "I'm so sorry" I cover my eyes with my hand and walked to my bed. "What are you doing" "I'm sorry I thought you were in the shower" "Its fine. I am clothed you can look" i uncovered my eyes and saw Clay in my favorite shirt and pants. "You look so good" I kept staring at him in aw. "Prince food is ready. Oh hi you must be Clay! Welcome! I am Callahan if you need anything I am always here" "Oh Thank you so much Callahan" I snapped out of looking at Clay and got up. "Okay thanks for letting me know Callahan." Callahan left and I got off my bed. "Okay so I will bring you downstairs and you go stand by the front door and I will go to the dining room and then go get you" "Okay!" Clay and I walked downstairs and Clay went to stand next to the door. I walked to the dining room and sat down. I heard a knock. "Oh I will go get that" I got up and walked to the front door. "Okay let's go" we walked to the dining room. "Who is that?"

Hi guys its me! I hope you guys like this chapter. Also Deez Nuts!-Author
P.s. I am sorry for saying all this stuff about my birthday being tomorrow.

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