Timeline of Our Lives {Part One}

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The moments and the years of how Maya and I become best friends and with the wedding drawing closer in five months from now is never impossible to share for such a long time. The friendship and love between Maya and I are too strong to be denied because friendships are meant to live on and one forever in our lives. Friendships is never complicated when it comes to Maya and I throughout our childhood, teenage, and adult years with one another. The story of how we become best friends and soon to be lovers starts off on November 1997.

November 24, 1997

Today is the third month of the school year at the Hunter College High School and I just jump off the step of the bus with the other kids running happily to their classrooms. Mr. Nielson is my teacher for second grade and I sit on my assigning seat. Other kids eagerly rush to their classrooms and behind me, I hear a kid's voice murmur.

"But, Mom, what if people make fun of me and I don't fit in right away?"

"Well, sweetie, if you can be yourself just like you were when we were in Sleepy Hollow, you can have friends any day soon. Remember; don't be shy, Maya. I've always hear you laughing and screaming in the house, even when you and your brothers had a food fight in your sister's room the other night." The woman responds. I hear footsteps behind me , turning my head around to face a little girl with long curly brunette hair with a lace braid as a headband, tawny skin tone, deep dark chocolate eyes, a dress over her pants, and Mr. Nielson jerks off the chair and exclaims, "Oh! You must be my new student! Are you Maya Anderson?"

"Yes, I am and this is my Mom, Mrs. Rachel Anderson. Hello... Mr. Nielson?" Her eyes scroll around the room for our teacher's name. "Maya, we are working on our Family History report that is due on December 8th and here is the rubric. You can take any seat you'd like to sit." Mr. Nielson tells. "Okay." She says, strapping her backpack on the chair behind her and is sitting next to Erin before she begins writing on a piece of paper. I continue writing my family history report, attempting to look away from her. But she looks really pretty and innocent.

Three classes later, our fellow classmates, including the new girl and myself in Mr. Nielson's class are walking in a straight line to the cafeteria. She is standing with a tray consisting a slice of pepperoni pizza, corn, a fruit cup, and a carton of fruit punch as the register lady nods her to go. I use my feet with my tray of lunch to the register before answering, "A dollar and ninety nine cents." My smile drops on my face for hearing, 'A dollar and ninety nine cents' to eat lunch? How come the new girl doesn't have to pay for her lunch, but I have to?

"Come on! Move up already, weirdo!" Numerous complaints break out behind me. I sigh and give the register lady my lunch money and walk back to the table, finding her taking a bite of the pizza. Walking to the corner of the table, her eyes seem to appear nervous as if the Poltergeist is roaming towards her.

"Can I sit with you?" I ask her.

Ss- Sure, sit down." She concurs, patting the empty bench space beside her. I grin as she responds the message of my face with the same look, but the anxious look.

"My name is Ryan and I assume you're the new girl, right?" I assure, making it sound like a question.

"Yes, I am, Ryan. I know I've been quiet this morning because I'm so scared that I'd end up being an outcast since my family and I just moved here three days ago." Maya admits. I pat my hand on her back, but TOOT! The interruption of the whistle blares in my ears to see our classroom co-teacher, Mrs. Clarian standing over us.

"Ryan, we do not touch fellow students! I'm very sorry, Maya. Was Ryan bothering you?" My eyes scroll to the left.

"No, Mrs. Clarian. Ryan is trying to be my friend, that's all." Maya excuses. Mrs. Clarian shuts one of her eye, pondering over us with her hand on her hip along with her foot stomping against the shiny, glossy granite floor. "All right." Mrs. Clarian gives in after believing for two minutes.

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