La Boda Es Un Carnaval (The Wedding Is a Carnival)

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Ryan’s POV

Today is the wedding of Desideria and Brandon in Westchester, NY. I’m wearing navy tuxedo with a sweater coat, and black suede shoes. “Ryan, are you ready?” Ask by my beautiful fiancée, who is wearing a black chiffon dress that cascades to the floor and a raspberry red cardigan is buttoning inside of her coat as the three of us are walking inside of the Fountainhead in New Rochelle, NY. We walk to the aisle of snow dusting tree branches that are standing at the start of the pews, purple and blue lighting, red green, and white rose petals sprinkles on the aisle, and snow changing different colors. When Maya, Arabella, and I are about to sit, a woman, who is 5 foot 2, and dark brunette hair neatly in a bun with bangs to the left side, light caramel skin tone, and peach dress that drops to the floor exclaims, “Maya! It’s so good to see you here! Who is this beautiful angel, Mija?”

“Hello and congratulations, Mrs. Rodriguez! This is Ryan, my fiancé, and this is our beautiful daughter, Arabella. Arabella and Ryan, this is Desideria’s Madre, Mrs. Rodriguez, her husband, Mr. Rodriguez, and this is Desideria’s oldest brother, Robert Juan.” Maya introduces, rolling the ‘R’ on Robert. “Oh, so, this is Ryan, who proposed to you! Estoy muy feliz por ti, carino (I’m so happy for you, sweetheart)!” Mrs. Rodriguez places kisses on Arabella’s cheeks and mine’s too. “Dios te bendiga mi Niño (God bless you, my boy).” Mrs. Rodriguez thanks me, pinching both of my cheeks with her hands. I smile as Maya replies, “Gracias tanto, Rodríguez. Ryan es definitivamente el hombre de mi vida. Felicitaciones por su hija, Desideria (Thank you so much, Mrs. Rodríguez. Ryan is definitely the man of my life. Congratulations to your daughter, Desideria).

“Eres muy Bienvenido, mis bebes (You’re very welcome, my babies).” We walk to the pew where Robert Juan, Mr. and Mrs. Rodriguez almost sit to pick up crystallizing pine cones dusting with snow. We wait for a few people to show up and everybody greets the Rodriguez family in Spanish. “Mommy, what is a boda?” Arabella asks Maya. “Well, a boda means wedding, Mija.” “What does ‘Mija’ mean also?” Arabella interrogates. “Mija means my daughter. You’re at the right place to learn the Spanish history.”

Minutes go by fast when 150 more people show up as they sit. Amberly, Greg, Keegan, and Sophia show up and I have to say; Keegan looks very handsome in his little tuxedo for Arabella. Sophia is wearing a puffy ivory dress with sleeves and ivory coat. “Amberly! Greg! You guys made it!” Maya and I exclaim in unison. “My, my! Keegan is very handsome. Sophie, I love your dress.” “Thank you Ms. Anderson.” Keegan and Sophie thanks.

“Keegan. Sophie. My Mommy and Daddy are getting married soon. So that means my Mom is changing her last name as Maya Anderson- Carter.” Arabella corrects.

“That’s right, Arabella. Before Maya and Ryan get married this year, you need to call them Mr. and Mrs. Carter, even after their wedding.” Amberly explains. “Yes, Mommy.” They reply in unison.

The lights dim to an indigo when all of us see the bridal party walking down the aisle.

Maya’s POV

Late Night Alumni’s Sunrise Comes to Soon plays as my best friend, Desideria walks down the aisle with a white dress, a tiara, long dark chocolate curls, and white crystal heels, arm to arm with Mr. Rodriguez with a smile plastering on her face as she holds onto a bouquet of lilies. We stand up as the song plays. As they walk to Brandon, Mrs. Rodriguez stands up and lifts the veil that is concealing her face.

“Who presents this bride to be wedded by the groom?” The pastor questions.

“We do.” Mr. and Mrs. Rodriguez answers. Everybody that are standing are now sitting down. Desideria walks to the platform, still holding onto her beautiful bouquet in her hands.

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