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those fangirl moments when you're so deeply into Fangirl Mode that you hear names of characters everywhere.

Such as the following conversation:

Someone brings up pressboard

Me: PRESS TILTON 😭😭 don't remind me

Someone talks about barley fields

Me: Barley? As in Ravenpaw's boyfriend? Did I hear right? 👀

Someone named Grant comes up, or people talk about government grants

Me: Grant Ward 😡 when will the man die

The song American Pie plays

Me: Yelena??? She's here???

People talk about sending each other links


Blue soap exists

Me: Coulson was right!! The soap of Hydra!!

Anyone mentions the Hindenburg, or the thirties in general

Me: noooo the Never War *sobs*

Anyone carries or talks about pots

Me: I bet there's rupees in that sucker

Anyone mentions a boombox

Me: watch out Bedoowan knights

Anyone: are you here or somewhere else?

Me: I was in Hyrule, I didn't hear you. You're on Second Earth, right?

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