If Fictional Characters could Text 2-Wheel of Time edition

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A/N- This is set after the end of The Shadow Rising. Don't read if you don't want spoilers, or if you're the sort of person who DOES like spoilers, then READ ON, you brave Gaidin.

Mat:hey guys

Mat: so

Mat: it's raining

Perrin has joined the chat

Perrin: Can I have five minutes alone with my wife on the battlefield please

Mat: wife? what did i miss?

Perrin: While you were off dicing in the Waste, I got married, watched too many Trollocs invade Emond's Field, and now everyone in the Two Rivers thinks I'm a lord

Mat: um what

Mat: trollocs?

Perrin: Yes, you'll be pleased to know I was busy

Mat: what about the whitecloaks?

Perrin: Rest assured the folk here rescued your family

Mat: and you did NOTHING?

Perrin: well not as much as they say I did

Mat: i'm sure you did the lions share of it.

Perrin: That's what they said too! But I didn't do that much.

Nynaeve has joined the chat

Nynaeve: Well Rand's safe now

Mat: when has he ever been safe?

Nynaeve: From one artifact anyway. Don't give me that lip Matrim Cauthon, not after what I went through to get it! You may think you've had it hard in the desert-

Mat: burn me nynaeve i was hung!

Nynaeve: That's a little overdramatic isn't it?

Mat: it's exactly true!

Perrin: I thought it was me the Whitecloaks wanted to hang. What have you done to annoy them?

Mat: it wasnt the whitecloaks it was the bloody mirror people! disrespectful fools wont answer three simple questions

Nynaeve: Either you had a bad dream or you've been drinking WAY too much Aiel liquor

Egwene has joined the chat.

Egwene: He was hung in Rhuidean I think, but he has been drinking a little too much

Mat: hey! you didnt see rand stagger into bed last week? he drank way more than me!

Nynaeve:Both of you! Oh if I was still Wisdom I'd straighten you two out so fast-

Egwene: Nynaeve. You're not Wisdom anymore.

Perrin: Daise is.

Nynaeve: Oh that WOMAN she won't do it properly-

Mat: cool it nynaeve perrin's made sure the two rivers wont explode yet

Perrin: It wasn't really me...

Nynaeve: Cut the modesty! If you didn't do anything, then what have you been doing there?

Mat: Apparently he married someone

Nynaeve: I hardly think that'll stop the Whitecloaks

Mat: and im to presume youve not been picking daisies in tanchico?

Nynaeve: I'll have you know, Matrim Cauthon, that I just escaped a duel with one of the Forsaken.

Egwene: Oh my gosh are you okay?!?!?!

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