An Unexpected Quarantine Party

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Wild shut the fridge, sighing happily. While everyone was running around like Cuccos with their heads cut off, he had been perfectly prepared. The day of quarantine had arrived, and Wild was as cool and collected as ever. No problems for him.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Mipha? Wild wondered. Mipha couldn't come over, obviously, but he could dream. Maybe it was the Postman, delivering his new boots. That was more likely.

Wild walked briskly over to the door, and unlatched it. He reached and pulled back the screen, opened his mouth and, prepared to sign for his parcel, was nearly floored to see his teenage friend, Legend.

Legend had a wide, floppy blue duffel bag slung across his shoulder. Little bits of blankets strained out the edges, sticking the zippers halfway across the flaps. Strapped across his back was a deep purple backpack dripping with keychains and pins, and with a phone sticking haphazard out of one of the pockets. He wore a slack lavender beanie over his hot pink hair (Wild knew it couldn't be natural, but he'd never seen the kid without it), decorated with little beaded braids. A long scarlet tunic-style T-shirt hung almost all the way down to his knees, bound around the waist with an old, battered brown leather belt, with the end dangling almost a foot beneath the belt. If he had had anything on beneath the tunic, it had to be shorts because there was no sight of anything. He did wear mid-thigh black boots with thick laces up the front. His face was obscured by a big pink bubble, which he quickly popped with his tongue when Wild answered the door.

'Wha-huh-why're you here?'' was all Wild could splutter.

'Sahasrahla's been detained internationally,'' Legend said boredly, barely stifling a yawn. ''And since Saha's my grandfather and effective guardian, and since I'm only sixteen, that means I can't stay at home for three weeks on my own. So, I figured I'd crash here.''

Wild was internally seething. This entitled idiot thought he could show up here and take up residence. Wild had done groceries for one, not for two.

'Zelda's told me it was all right,'' Legend added as an afterthought, seeing Wild's furious red cheeks.

Zelda. Zelda was always saying he needed to socialize more. Usually this came as a subtle hint at a date-Zelda didn't seem to want to notice that he was dating Mipha-but he wouldn't put it past her to send a teenage Legend to his house during quarantine.

Wild threw his hands up in the air. Zelda's word was final. 'Fine, Legend. You can stay here until Saha gets home. But there are a few rules in my house, see-''

Legend dragged his duffel bag into the doorway the second Wild had said his name, and had taken off into the house. Wild slammed the door shut(he didn't want to risk the time to lock it), and ran into the mudroom. Wet bootprints, with triangle patterned treads, crossed the room into the kitchen. Wild did a sharp swerve and skidded to a halt on the ivory tiles, and his heart sank as he saw Legend crouching next to his large snake plant in the corner, sizing it up.

More accurately, Legend was sizing up the pot it was in: a tall clay pot that bulged out near the top, with a small opening at the top just large enough to let the coiling green striped fronds of the snake plant whose home it was stick out and reach to the ceiling. Wild bated his breath. Legend was known to have a thing for pots. In the past two years he had gotten banned from two home decor stores, three used department stores, and four garden centres on the charge of breaking pots. Wild had even witnessed one event-Legend standing in front of a shelf of old pottery, his eyes glazed wide. Wild had tried to intervene, but before he could Legend had grabbed a white porcelain vase painted with roses, let out a squeal of glee, and hurled the vase against the floor, where it shattered into a myriad of pearly white shards. Wild ran forward, tried to grab his arm so he'd stop, but his boot stepped on a shard of pottery, causing him to slip on his next step and crash onto the cold floor. Five minutes later, he had been watching on in immense embarrassment while Legend was forcibly ejected from the store and banned for the next year under the offence of breaking the merchandise.

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