In Which Ruto Wants a Milkshake, and Doesn't Get It

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A/N- You don't even have to know all these characters to get the gist of the story. All you need to know is: Ruto is an entitled fish princess, Link has a stomach of steel, and Rand and Urbosa are both tall, redheaded softies who you REALLY don't want to annoy because you'll be in big trouble if you do.

So picture Ruto, Urbosa, Link, Rand, Mat, Septimus and Frodo crammed into a van in the line at the McDonalds' drive-through. The only glitch is, what Ruto and Link want can hardly be considered lunch.

Ruto: I want a milkshake!

Rand: Ruto. We're not having any sweets.

Link: I want a chocolate bar!

Ruto: This Vanilla Chill thing-I want one!

Rand: I told you, we're not having any treats.

Link: CHOCOLATE BAR!!! A milkshake, and some apple pie!

Ruto: Vanilla Chill! Milkshake!

Rand: Blood and ashes, no sweets.



Rand: Light just SHUT UP!

Link: Rand PLEASE

Ruto: I want a Vanilla Chill SO BAD!

Rand: I haven't given in to the Dark One, fat chance I'll give in to you.

Link: I'm Hylia's hero! I want a milkshake, and by Din I oughta get it!

Ruto: Well I am the sage of water! If I want a Vanilla Chill-

Rand: Well, I'm the bloody Dragon Reborn I SAY NO SWEETS and BURN ME you're not getting any!

Link: I will seal you away if you don't get me a milkshake!

Rand: I WILL channel against you!

Ruto: TAKE RESPONSIBILITY! Buy me a Vanilla Chill!

Rand: LIGHT NO I keep telling you NO!

Link: Milkshake pleeease Rand?

Rand: Bloody Light NO

Ruto: Rand I want a Vanilla Chill! (she starts whining)

Rand: NO dessert foods for lunch!

Link: Come ON Rand it's not THAT dubious!

Rand: Your attitude is dubious, little man.

Frodo: Can you all please stop arguing? I'm trying to read!

Septimus: Rand, can you please just buy them a milkshake to shut them up? One to share?

Ruto: SHARE?!?!?!? Oh Nayru don't even think for one second-

Link: Ahem?

Mat: Good luck with this crowd, Rand. (He laughs)

Urbosa: I got you all kids meals because you wouldn't stop arguing like seven year old kids.

Mat: No fair! I didn't even do anything!

Septimus: All I did was tell Rand to get them one already!

Urbosa: Well, remember next time that I can order dinner too. And you WERE acting pretty childish about it.

Urbosa hands Frodo a full adults' meal.

Mat: No FAIR the hobbit gets the adults meal?!?!

Urbosa: Frodo was the only one acting like an adult.

Ruto: How DARE you treat the Zora princess like this?

Urbosa shrugs.

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