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The Last Generation of Travelers (plus two acolytes!) sorry Elli isn't here I don't know her deal much

warning-some language, the heavier stuff is censored. mostly because of Courtney actually

{the last line is a modern AU headcanon for each character and does not carry canon relevance}


-emotionally traumatized young adult who was basically drafted as a child soldier at age fourteen by his uncle and very visibly leaks distress and trauma

-Watched three trusted friends die in his arms, brought one back to life in a way he still can't explain

-Not entirely sure what he is and why he exists

-Probably not cis

-never went to highschool or grade 9

-deep trauma and mental issues led to hubris, which led to failure, which led to more mental insecurity

-hasn't had a break for almost two years

-existential crisis child

-did I mention he has trauma

-sarcastic little fellow

-the geek who claims desperately that he's a jock despite the fact he aces video games and has a secret obsession for anything sci-fi


-poor innocent kid whose best friend vanished without explanation and suddenly entrusted him with keeping chronicles of his traumatic journeys

-manipulated by Courtney into doing things he knows is wrong repeatedly because he is scared of the devil

-baffled that his childhood bully is actually nice and clever, more baffled that he can use the flumes

-out of Parental Death Trauma© gets sucked into Saint Dane's wild plot and destroys the space-time continuum of the Earth territories

-a sweet cinnamon roll who needs to be protected from all the verifiable sh*t he didn't sign up for

-shy geek who Knows Stuff About Everything, and no one seems to know where he gets his information


-manipulative little bitch who decided to force her way in to Mark's business without his consent

-unforgivable after the little incident in Black Water

-f*cking stubborn and hardheaded, also emotionally rattled after discovering she was dating Saint Dane (I ship it)

-basically drags Mark around on her whims after Lost City of Faar

-and because of Mark's Parental Death Trauma© the role of Second Earth acolyte falls exclusively to her

-probably either demigirl or gnc woman after Pilgrims of Rayne

-a sneaky, sour little bitch who did sign up for this, killed a Traveler, and dated the demon himself

-the jock who Can't Do Wrong© apparently, wouldn't be in my modern AU because I have beef with her


-a tough cookie who is probably the best trained for the war

-always manages to put on a tough façade even when she's deeply rattled

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